eeyorebed.jpg (9564 bytes)Looking for Eeyore
by Lisa Alekna


Twigs in my hair, 
Crawling through the thicket,
Leaves in my hair,
Come to a small green glade.

Looking for you,
Just another day,
Looking for you, 
Nothing special planned.

Lying in the long grass,
Looking with wide eyes,
Hiding in the long grass,
Watching a small gray beast
As he looks to the sky.

The wind swirls around
And brings a message. 
Wind swirls around, and around,
The Spirit is wind, 
The breath of God.

Dancing with the wind,
Wind cleanses,
Dancing with the wind,
Wind purifies,
Dancing with the wind,
Wind freshens,
Wind caresses,
Wind heals,
Wind blows our cares away.

Steps of grace,
I saw you dance,
When you thought no one was there,
Steps of grace,
When you were alone,
With the wind, with God.

Silently I stand,
Walk toward the sun,
Toward you,
Open my arms wide,
Arms wide open.

Swaying I turn,
Gazing at the sky,
Turning with the wind,
And we dance, you and I
And you smile that smile,
That only God sees.

Breath of God
Dancing with us
Around us, through us,
Moving as we move.

Breath of God, 
Make us new.
Breath of God, 
Lead us where you will.

Breath of God,

Dance with us always,
Now, and forever,
And ever, amen.


~ Lisa Alekna ~


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