Project Rachel

Project Rachel - for help, and for hope.

Support groups are forming now. Call or send us an e-mail for information on times and locations! Check here soon for information on local Masses of Healing and Reconciliation!

Click here to see PAS (post-abortion syndrome) symptoms


Today, to quote Mother Teresa, "the greatest destroyer of peace, of hope and of love is abortion." 

We know it destroys life, 40 million lives alone in the USA since the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision.  Yet this terrible "choice" destroys other lives too.  The lives of the mother, the father, and many others involved in a "crisis" pregnancy can be terribly injured as well. 

Since abortion is very often a carefully guarded secret, many women fail to allow themselves to even think about their experiences. Feelings are usually buried and can eventually cause a great deal of harm to the individual.

The message post-abortive women receive from society is that they have no "issue", they have no "loss", and they should feel no pain.  They should feel, if anything at all, only relived - that in fact, this experience "solves" a problem. 

Yet there are millions of people suffering in the aftermath of this experience.  They hurt, and hurt deeply. They have
indeed experienced a terrible loss, and they need to resolve their feelings of pain, their feelings of loss, their grief and their sorrow, and yes, their guilt and their shame, and reconcile with God (and perhaps even harder, reconcile with themselves).

Symptoms of Post Abortion Syndrome (PAS) vary in each individual.  PAS sufferers may find that their emotional responses are particularly affected.  

Symptoms can include:

Emotional difficulty when dealing with the themes of children, childbirth, pregnancy and abortion

Emotional "numbness" regarding these themes, or, tearfulness, crying, and/or angry outbursts

Depression "for no reason"

Guilt, shame, inability to forgive oneself for the abortion

Anger and bitterness directed towards themselves

Anger toward those who assisted in getting the abortion, including their partner/spouse, parents, friends, clinic workers, and the doctor who performed the abortion.

"Flashback" type memories or recurring memories that "come out of nowhere"

Nightmares, sleep disturbances

Anxiety attacks

Eating disorders

"Self-medicating" with drugs or alcohol

Difficulties with relationships

Feelings of worthlessness

Many post-abortive women fear that they have committed the unforgivable sin. Many fear that the church has no room for them because they have betrayed the teachings of the church.

This is not true! God’s love extends to them despite their mistakes, just as it does to anyone else! The church is reaching out to post-abortive women and all who have been hurt by abortion.

Project Rachel is a program that offers love, compassion and help on the journey to reconciliation.

Through the programs Project Rachel offers those injured by abortion can come to accept God's forgiveness and know His great mercy and love.

Project Rachel programs offer information, prayer and counseling, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, peer support groups, healing retreats and Masses of Remembrance and Reconciliation.

All conversations are held in strictest confidence.

For help, and for hope, 
we're here to listen.

If you have any questions or concerns,
feel free to write me:

Read the Guestbook!

Sign the Guestbook!


To our official Diocesan Pro-Life Commission page 
Diocese of Springfield, MA
We ask that you continue to pray for an end to abortion,
and pray for a recognition of the sanctity of all human life.

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(This is a private web page, for information and resources only,
and is not sponsored by the diocese of Springfield, MA, or NOPARH)