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At the rising of the new day,
As the night's darkness dies
And the wings of the Phoenix
Soar across the skies.

The Song will be heard
As the glories stream from on high
Spreading the Light
Across the land and the sky.

Such a lonely life
For one so beautiful and wise
Yet he lives alone in this world
Comforting each soul who cries.

As the millennium ends
He will die, and be reborn
Rising from the ashes
Taking wing in the light of dawn.

Wings of fire
Shine with grace
Filling our hearts
With golden light
And with peace.

And there rises a new wind
That shines across the sky
Dying, yet reborn
Love, his only reason why.

© July 20, 1999 Lisa M. Alekna





When I first started thinking of the phoenix as a Christilogical symbol, I wasn't aware that it has actually been used in this fashion for centuries! Early Christians clearly saw the Christian symbolism in the story of the self-sacrifice of the aging phoenix, who, when he reached the age of 500 years old, threw himself in the flames of his own funeral pyre, arising renewed, and reborn from his own ashes. It was used in Christian art as a symbol of the Ressurection and eternity.

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