Resumé of Lars Travers PDF version for printing

Current Skill Summary:

I am a Harvard Extension ALM in IT candidate.

President: Ace Coders, Inc. (2002-Present)

I founded Ace Coders, Inc. to bring together specialists in order to create the best possible websites and custom software for businesses, non-profits and educational institutions. Using Java/XML/XSLT/SQL I developed a content management system which uses a WYSIWYG editor to allow non-technical users to post news items, job listings, articles, etc. This system is running on

Also, I've been developing software displays using Java 3D for the Quantum Concepts project at the Science and Math Education Center at Boston University.

Java Developer: Infinitemarket, Inc. (July 2000-August 2001)

Infinitemarket developed tools and services for creating fully customized and private-label websites where people could exchange information and products.
I created core software tools for sites like Playcycle and Care Simply. Responsible for design and coding of "transaction model" and auction workflow. (Java/JSP/JDBC/SQL/JavaScript/Servlets/J2EE/JRun/CVS/Windows/Linux)

Software Consultant (1982-2000):

Programmer: Cambridge Development Lab (Fall 81)

Coded microLab SYM Software™ microcomputer-based lab software for physics (6502 assembly language)

Programmer: University of Massachusetts, Department of Computer and Information Science (80-81)

Coded user interface for VISIONS image processing system (LISP/VAX)

Programmer: Smith College, Department of History (79-80)

Coded software interface between LISP relational database and Fortran statistics package (LISP)

Programmer: Technical Education Research Centers, Inc. (Summer 1978)

Coded character generator and drawing software sold with S100 video boards (CPM/Z80 assembly language)

Teaching Experience

1 week intensive LISP course at Smith College (80)
1 month intensive LISP course at Hampshire College (79)

Academic History

Harvard University Extension
  • Unix Systems Programming
  • Introduction to C/Unix/CGI Programming
  • Groups, Graphs and Algebraic Structures for Computing
  • Web Services
  • Implementing Internet Protocols
  • Developing e-Business Applications Using XML
  • Object Paradigms: Design Patterns, C++ and Java
  • Advanced Topics in Java and Distributed Computing
  • Java for Distributed Computing
  • Introduction to Database Systems and Client/Server Computing
  • Theory of Computation
  • Algorithms and their Analysis
  • Design Science: Three Dimensional
  • Applied Statistics
  • Principles of Physics 2: Electricity, Waves and Magnetism
  • Linguistics/Cognitive Approach
  • Logic
Boston University Metropolitan College Tufts University Summer Session
  • Applied Math for Engineers
  • Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
Hampshire College
B.A. 1979, concentration: math and computer science. div 3 project: Computer Model of the Human Parsing Mechanism, a simulation of Dr. Lyn Frazier's "Sausage Machine" sentence processing model written in LISP.