Text Box: Easton Area High School 
Varsity Swimming and Diving

Congratulations to our State Qualifiers (Wade Satanik, Michael Black, Greg Black and Brian Saylor-Relay only)
 and to Wade Satanik, 
District 11 champ, State Medalist and All American!

Congratulations to the 2008 Bob Cuthbert Memorial Scholarships!
Leah Carmichael and Myles Biggs!

Congratulations to our District Qualifiers!

Myles Biggs, Michael Black, Leah Carmichael, Charlene Colon, Ariel Fuentes, 
Dakota Moore, Jess Ahrweiler, Erik Carpenter, Jacquie Glaser, Kayla Montoro, Henry Peterson, Wade Satanik, Brian Saylor, Greg Black, Kim Cosgrove, Jeron Heebner, Chelsea Reed, Danny Ahrweiler, Matt Jouny 

Updates to all STATS will be done in May on this site.
New site status - unknown

Text Box: Send any questions about this website to eahssdt@yahoo.com

Disclaimer:  Users Please Note: The information and resources on  this web site are provided as a service by the Easton Swimming and Diving Boosters Inc. to its swimmers, divers, coaches, the community and to the other users of the internet. The Booster Club  makes no warranty or guarantee to the user, either express or implied, of the contents of this site or of other web sites to which it links.  The website is updated by a volunteer at their discretion.


Red Rover Concrete Puppies

Sold exclusively by the Easton Swimming & Diving Boosters!



Small (see dog on left)

Dimensions: 8"h x 5"w x 9"d  Weight: 9 lb



Large (see dog on right)


Dimensions: 14”h x 9”w x 16”d  Weight: 52 lb




Interest?  610-250-8638 or fehnelb@eastonsd.org

 Call or email to place name and phone number

on a list until minimum order is met

Makes great gifts!!!