Today, many older adults are starting their own businesses after ending a
previous career. Whether starting a business is the culmination of a lifetime
dream, the sudden recognition of a great business opportunity, or a decision
born out of financial necessity, Intuit, Inc has created accounting software
that make it much easier to handle the paperwork and finances of your company.
QuickBooks Pro 2001 for Windows ($249.95) makes it easy to create
custom invoices, enter sales, perform electronic banking, track customer
contacts, track your time, manage inventory, handle payroll, and prepare for
tax time. Additional features provide complete time tracking, billing, job
costing, and estimating.
This software enables you to export customer data directly into Microsoft Word
and you are provided with a library of 25 pre-written business letters that
can be customized to meet your needs. You can also export data into Microsoft
Excel to produce a variety of useful reports and graphs.
There is no need to understand or learn accounting jargon since all of the
accounting is done automatically when you fill in invoices, checks, and forms
on screen. The contact management features are especially helpful for keeping
track of To-Do lists and communications with your customers. You can tailor
QuickBooks Pro to your business needs and you can fax and e-mail invoices and
estimates directly from this software so you get paid faster.
The software is designed for any small business and home office with 1-20
Although Intuit decided to not upgrade QuickBooks Pro 4.0 for Macintosh
($199.95) at this time, the software does contain most of the features found
in QuickBooks Pro 2001
The software may be purchased from local software retailers or by calling
800-446-8848 or
here for QuickBooks Pro 2001 or
for QuickBooks Pro 4.0.