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Write your own movie and TV scripts

Anyone who has ever spent an hour or two in front of Cable TV knows that the number of movies and television shows available to today’s television viewer is staggering. The demand to produce a large number of movie and TV scripts has resulted in some good productions along with a lot of mediocre ones. Rather than complain about lousy stories, now there is computer software that enables you to create your own movie and television scripts.

Screenplay Systems has produced Movie Magic Screenwriter to assist you in turning your story into a correctly formatted script. While 95% of the 1998 Emmy Awards went to production companies that use Movie Magic software, this product is easy enough to use that even a novice should find it manageable. The program auto-formats as you write, and auto-recognizes character names, locations, sets and times-of-day from one or two letters. You can directly import files from word processors so as to quickly turn a previously written story into a movie or television script. The software also comes with 50 TV templates containing script styles, act breaks, set lists and character lists for popular sitcoms, soaps, and episodic dramas such as Days of Our Lives, ER, and Frasier.

While there is no guarantee that your script will find its way onto the silver screen, the only way to find out is to sit down and turn your story into a script. With the help of Screenwriter, this task may be easier than you thought. The software comes with a 30 day money back guarantee and you can download a demo at

Available for Macintosh and Windows platforms. $199.95 800-84-STORY