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Architecture audit


At a times of change, providing a development group with unbiased outside analysis and advice on their work can pay dividends. A short, sharp inspection that questions assumptions and asks tough questions can preempt risky ad hoc decisions, help prioritize effort, uncover weaknesses, and bring the team into focus.

An architecture audit gets under the hood of the application. The goal is to determine the viability of using the existing technology either:

  • In production
  • Under new circumstances
  • As a base for new development

Answers to these questions are both qualitative and quantitative and cover approach, design, implementation and tools.

The audit results in a detailed, action-oriented recommendation. Different business requirements mandate a unique focus for each audit. However, virtually every architecture audit looks at the following qualities:

  • Performance
  • Availability
  • Security
  • Maintainability
  • Interoperability
  • Flexibility
  • Productivity
Each area addressed by the audit will be a part of the recommendation. Metrics or counterpoint examples are provided wherever possible. Where change is advocated a step-by-step outline illustrates the suggestion. Rough effort estimates are included with the recommendation as a guide.

Contact David Kershaw to arrange for an architecture audit at your company.




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