Prairie Moon Has Bestsellers!

Your Heart's Desire
'Your Heart's Desire; Instructions for Creating the Life You Really Want' by Sonia Choquette, $18.00, paperback

Sonia explains the nine principles to follow to obtain your heart's desire. She does not promise that it will be easy, but she includes exercises and meditations for each of the principles to help you along. She also draws on her own experience to give inspiring examples.

You may want to start your quest for your heart's desire by reading her first book, 'The Psychic Pathway,' which will help you develop your intuition and get in touch with your soul.

We look forward to having Sonia at Prairie Moon again in June to tell us about her new book, 'The Wise Child,' ($18.00) due out in May.

Succulent Wild Woman
'Succulent Wild Woman; Dancing with Your Wonder-full Self!' by Sark, $15.00 paperback

Who wouldn't love a book decorated with red, green, purple, yellow and blue dancing figures and with chapters titled "Vibrators," "Terror of Cellulite," and "How To Accept Power"? No one we know. Funny, touching, inspiring. And a great gift.

Try Sark's other books, too: 'Bodacious Book of Succulence,' 'Creative Companion,' 'Inspiration Sandwich,' and 'Living Juicy.' We are tickled, but not surprised, that her new book is called 'Change Your Life Without Getting Out of Bed; the Ultimate Nap Book.' Ask us about it in May.

Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom

'Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom' by Christiane Northrup, MD, $17.00, paperback

Subtitled, "Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing," Dr. Northrup's descriptions of women's bodies provide us with the vocabulary, information, and understanding we need to work with both traditional and alternative health care professionals while honoring our intuitive knowledge about ourselves.

Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing by Caroline Myss, PH.D., $14.00

Dr. Myss teaches readers how to develop powers of intuition as they personal power and spiritual growth.