Prairie Moon's
March Fiction Features!

The Answer Is Yes by Sara Lewis, $13.00 less 20% discount = $10.40

A young New England woman struggles hilariously with life in Southern California, losing her job, whether to search for her birth mother, her husband's devotion to his research, and a strange alternative school into which she seems to have stumbled just in time. Light and sweet.

Night Ride Home by Barbara Esstman, $13.00 less 20% discount = $10.40

A novel of grief and survival set on a contemporary Missouri horse farm where both people and land must reclaim their places in the world after accidental death and devastating floods.

Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver, $14.00 less 20% discount = $11.20

The story of a white missionary family in the Congo at the time of it's war for independance, told in the alternating voices of the four daughters of the family.

No More Masks: An Anthology of Twentieth-Century American Women Poets edited by Florence Howe, $17.00 less 20% discount = 13.60

You will treasure this collection of poems spanning race, class, and time but always speaking the truth of women's lives.