Missing Links
These are sites which I had bookmarked as useful only a few
months ago, but now they seem to have disappeared. It's a sad reminder of the
ephemeral nature of the Internet that so much work and wisdom can disappear in
the blink of an eye. I keep them here, hoping for a resurrection.
- Paleo-reefs
- Wegner's
original hypothesis (*)
- Last
glacial max (***)
- World
Civilizations to 1500 CE, Brigham Young University. Covering the whole
world, but the African maps are probably the best. (*****)
- Maps-En (*****)
- Tony Belmonte's
Historical Atlas of Europe and the Middle East (*****)
- Europe, 800-1900. The
text is in English, the maps in Romanian. (***)
- Europe,
1648-2000 (***)
- Maps Of
Great Britain: from Shepherd's Historical Atlas (***)
- Shakespeare's
London (**)
- Britain,
350-878 (**)
- Croatia
- Belarus
- Latvia
- Nat. Library of Canada
- Anatolia
- Turkey in Maps (***)
- Ancient
Egypt (***)
- Ancient
History, 3100 BCE - 500 CE (*****)
- Maps
of Biblical Palestine (***)
- Christian
Bible Study (***)
- Christian
Homepage (***)
- Assyria (*)
- Ancient
Mesopotamia (****)
- Lower
Egypt, with a link to Upper Egypt (*)
- Greece
- Greek Mythology, scroll
down 3/4 for list of maps (***)
- Odyssey
- Ancient Greece
during the Peloponesian Wars (**)
- Greek History:
Classical Age and
- Seleucid
Empire (**)
- Ancient
Thrace (***)
- Persia (***)
- Roman
- Roman
- Silk Road
- Eurasian Trade Routes
- Medieval History, from The
Armoury (****)
- 1st Crusade (*)
- Tang
Dynasty China (*)
- Dadu, capital
of the Yuan Dynasty (*)
- English France
- Europe (**)
- Africa
- Black Death
- Ming Voyages
- Skin color,
1500 (*)
- Renaissance
Poland, 1620 (**)
- Portuguese and
Spanish Empires (*)
- Growth, to 1512
- Ottoman
Empire (*)
- Tipu Sultan, India
1700's (***)
- Maps
of the American Revolution (****)
- Bunker
Hill (**)
- Cowpens,
- Yorktown
- Voyages of Captain
Cook (**)
- British
Empire (**)
- French
Revolution (***)
- Battle of
Waterloo (**)
- Battle
of Chrysler's Farm, 1813, animated (**)
- British Burma
- The American Nation:
Table of Contents,
(***** )
- Alamo
- Shiloh
- Perryville:
Union and
- Gettysburg
- Chickamauga
- New Market (**)
- Battle
of Little Bighorn (**)
- German
Africa (*)
- Battle of
Tsushima, 1905 (**)
- 20th
Century Europe around the time of the Great War (***)
- Somme
- Gran Chaco
War 1932-35 (**)
- Germany,
1939 (*)
- Battle of Coral Sea
- Battle of the Bulge
- Partition of Palestine (**)
- Maps of Palestine (***)
- Verteilung
der Volksgruppen in Jugoslawiens: Ethnic map of Yugoslavia, 1980 (**)
- Chernobyl Fallout
in Africa (Scroll about halfway down) (**)
- Bosnian War
- Bosnian War,
1991-95 (***)
- Chechen
War (****)
- Kosovo
- 1996 US election
- Castle
Rock, Maine (*)
- Dark Countries: The
Horror Atlas (***)
- Austen's Hampshire
- Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County:
here or
- ST
Galaxy (**)
- Dirty Harry's San
Francisco (***)
- Thomas
Hardy's Wessex (**)
- Lovecraft's
Innsmouth (**)
- Lord of
the Flies (**)
- Lewis's Narnia
- Elvis Sightings
- United States of
Islam (**)
- Future Map
- Earth
Changes (***)
- Bison (*)
- Forests
- Extinctions
in the US (**)
- Threatened
Species Maps, WWF (***)
- Killer Bees (*)
- Lions (**)
- Condors
- Orangutans
- Wolves (*)
- UN High Commissioner
on Refugees, maps of recent crises. (*****)
Valid Links
Table of Contents
Last updated June 2002
Copyright © 1999-2002 Matthew White