The Lesser Multicides of the Twentieth Century
Alphabetical Index
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These wars and mass killings cost fewer lives than the American loss in
Vietnam (58,135), but more that the number of murders in America in 1995
- China, Revolutionary Era (1911-17)
- S&S:
- Republicans v Govt. (1911): 1,000
- Republicans v Govt. (1913): 5,000
- Pai-Lings v Govt. (1914): 5,000
- TOTAL: 11,000
- Eckhardt:
- Republicans v Govt. (1911): 1,000 civ. + 1,000 mil. = 2,000
- Republicans v Govt. (1913): 5,000 civ. + 5,000 mil. = 10,000
- Bandits v Govt. (1913-14): 5,000 civ. + 5,000 mil. = 10,000
- Pai-Lings v Govt. (1914): 5,000
- TOTAL: 27,000
- Finnish Civil War (1918): 30 000
- Stanley G. Payne,
A History of Spain and Portugal Vol. 2 ch.26, citing Paavolainen:
- Red victims of the White Terror: 8,400 k. outright + 11,800 d. in camps
- Total: 31,000 k, from all causes
- Library of Congress []
- Red Terror: 1,649 k. (mostly middle class)
- White Terror: 8,380 Reds killed + 12,000 d. in camps.
- Total: 30,000, <¼ in battle
- India, uprisings against UK (1919-38)
- Amritsar Massacre (1919): Officially, 379 (Johnson, Gilbert) killed, but
unofficially, it gets rounded upwards: 500 (Our Times) or 1,000
- Eckhardt:
- Amritsar (1918-19): 1,000 civ.
- (1921-22): 11,000 civ.
- (1936-38): 11,000 civ.
- TOTAL: 23,000
- Mongolia (1926-1991): 35 000
- Communist Regime
- The excavation of a mass grave containing the bodies of 5,000 Buddhist
monks launched a rash of articles discussing Mongolia's Stalinist years (peak:
- 22 Oct. 1991 AP, cites
- BBC: 35,000 death toll
- Head of the Presidential Commission for Victims of Repression: 100,000,
maybe more
- 23 Oct. 1991 NY Times: 100,000 people killed overall.
- 23 Oct. 1991 San Diego Union-Tribune: 17,000 monks killed under
- Rummel: 100,000
- Kaplonski, Asian Studies (Nov 2000), review of Sandag and Kendall's
Poisoned Arrows: The Stalin-Choibalsan Mongolian Massacres, 1921-1941:
ca. 30,000-35,000 people killed, 1921-41, most in late 1930s
- Oubangi-Chari, Kongo-Wara War (1927-31)
- Mbaye Revolt under Karnou: 10,000 to 100,000 (John Middleton, Encyclopedia
of Africa South of the Sahara, 1997)
- El Salvador (1931-32): 30 000
- Peasant Revolt:
- Britannica: 10,000 summary executions
- John Gunther, Inside Latin America (1941): 8,000 to 11,000
- Skidmore: 10-20,000
- Washington Post (4 Apr. 1982): 30,000 killed
- U.P.I. (24 June 1993): 30,000
- Eckhardt: 24,000 civ. + 8,000 mil. = 32,000
- Marley: 32,000
- [MEDIAN: 30,000]
- Turkey (1937-38)
- Dersim Revolt, Govt. vs. Kurds
- David McDowall, A Modern History of the Kurds (1996): 40,000
- Mongolia (1939)
- Nomonhan War (S&S):
- USSR: 5,000
- Mongolia: 3,000
- Japan: 20,000
- TOTAL: 28,000
- Eckhardt: 28,000
- South Korea (1948-49)
40 000
- [Arranged in roughly ascending order.]
- Eckhardt: 1,000 mil. ("Govt. vs. Army", 1948)
- Robert Oliver, History of the Korean People in Modern Times (1993):
over 1,000 lives lost in Communist uprisings, 1946-47
- Gilbert: 19 Oct. 1948, ROK Army unit defects to Communists: 1,000 k. in
subseq. fight
- WHPSI: 609 (1948) + 1300 (1949)
- "House Divided": 589 k. in election violence (1948) and 5,000
guerillas k. (9/49-4/50) []
- Stars & Stripes: "Survivors say as many as 30,000 Koreans were
killed" []
- Andrew C. Nahm, Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Korea
- Cheju Rebellion, 1948-49
- 15,000 k. by Communists
- 20-30,000 rebels killed
- 250 executed
- [TOTAL: 40,250 ± 5,000]
- 19 June 2000 Newsweek: as many as 60,000 k. by S. Korean soldiers
- Some guy on Internet: 30,000-80,000 killed []
- American sources: 15-20,000 islanders died
- ROK's official figure: 27,719
- North Koreans said: 30,000 "butchered"
- Governor of Cheju privately told US intelligence: 60,000 d.
- Chomsky (1991): 100,000 people killed in the late 1940s by security forces.
- Taiwan (1947)
- Gilbert: as many as 28,000 civilians killed.
- Harff & Gurr: 10,000 - 40,000 Taiwanese nationalists killed.
- Douglas Mendel, The Politics of Formosan Nationalism (1970):
10,000 - 20,000 k.
- Bulgaria (1948-89): 30 000
- Communist Regime
- Britannica, post-war purges, 1945:
- Officially: 2,730 sentenced to death
- Unofficially: 30,000 political opponents killed
- 1 July 1990 Orange County Register: Between 1944 and 1963, 200,000
passed through labor camps and 20,000 died.
- George Hodos, Show Trials (1987): 100,000 killed during 1st 4
years of Communism.
- Rummel: 222,000 democides, 1944-87
- [Median falls between 30,000 and 100,000]
- Hungary (1948-89)
- Communist Regime
- Rummel: 27,000 democides, 1948-87
- Poland (1948-89)
- Communist Regime
- Overall
- Rummel: 22,000 democides, 1948-87
- 1946-49
- Tina Rosenburg, The Haunted Land: Facing Europe's Ghosts after
Communism (1995): 30,000 Poles died as Stalinists crushed opposition.
- East European Politics and Societies 11:2 (22 March 1997) "Rebellious
Poles: political crises and popular protest under state socialism, 1945-89"
by Grzegorz Ekiert: 8,668 people were killed as a result of repressive actions
against the opposition, 1944-48
- 1956 Uprising
- WPA3: 53 killed
- WHPSI: 31,082 political executions (1953-57) + 536 deaths by pol.
- Tina Rosenburg: 38 (officially) or 75 (independant sources) k.
- Grzegorz Ekiert: ca. 100 k. during 1956 revolt.
- 1981 Martial Law
- Tina Rosenburg: Acc2 post-Communist Congressional committee, of the115
deaths under martial law, 25 killed during protests, 29 murdered by Interior
Ministry, 24 non-political and 37 unknown reasons.
- Indonesia, 1950s
- Clodfelter
- Revolt by conservative Muslims in Sumatra (1958-61): 3,735 govt. + 29,708
rebels [= 33,443]
- S&S, Eckhardt:
- Govt. vs. Moluccans (1950): 5,000
- Govt. vs. Darul Islam (1953): 1,000
- Govt. vs. Leftists (1956-60): 30,000
- TOTAL: 36,000
- 1950: 1,300
- 1951: 2,200
- 1952: 1,500
- 1953: 493
- 1954: 419
- 1955: 4,500
- 1956-60: 27,980
- TOTAL 38,392 deaths from domestic violence, 1950-60
- North Vietnam (1954-75): 50 000
- Michael Clodfelter, Vietnam in Military Statistics (1995): 15,000
executions, 1954-56; 1,000 killed and wounded in peasant uprising, 1956-57
- Bernard Fall, The Two Vietnams (1963): 50,000 executed in
connection with land reform
- Gilbert: 100,000 peasants executed
- Harff & Gurr: 15,000 Catholic landlords, rich and middle peasants
killed in North Vietnam, 1953-54
- Guenter Lewy,
America in Vietnam (1978): 50,000 executed, 1955-56, under land reform
law of 1953
- Rummel:
- 415,000 democides in NVN, 1945-56
- Antinationalist Terror: 15,000
- Land Reform: 250,000
- Political Struggles: 100,000
- Uprisings: 13,000
- Prison/Labor Dead: 24,000
- Other: 13,000
- 216,000 democides during the Vietnam War,
- in NVN: 50,000
- in SVN: 166,000
- Hanson, Victor Davis, Carnage and culture (2001): "well over 10,000
... may have approached 100,000."
- Spencer Tucker, Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War (1998): up to
100,000 landlords executed or dead of starvation
- Marilyn Young, The Vietnam Wars: 1945-1990 (1991) cites:
- Edwin Moise, "the most careful historian of the land reform":
- "Inflated":
- Bernard Fall: 50,000 executed
- Richard Nixon: 500,000 dead
- AVERAGE: Three experts put the total around 15,000. Four experts put it
around 50,000 to 100,000. Two put it around a half million. Others just give
the range. The safest guess would be 50-100,000.
- South Vietnam, Diem regime (1955-63)
- Rummel: 39,000 democides, incl...
- Relocation deaths: 24,000
- Prison deaths: 4,000
- Executed: 10,000
- Bombing/shelling: 1,500
- Some guy on Internet: 80,000 executed or murdered, 1955-60. (He gives no
source for this number.) []
- Haiti (1957-86)
- Papa Doc, François Duvalier 1957-71
- Encarta: 2,000 killed by 1967
- LC []:
30,000 k for political reasons 1957-71
- Duvalier Dynasty (1957-86):
- 3,000 democides (Rummel)
- 15,000 disappeared (Grenville)
- 50,000 k (27 April 1986 Toronto Star)
- 60,000 k (9 Dec. 1998 [London] Guardian)
- 60,000 k (16 July 1986 L.A. Times)
- Between 1981-87, 9,000 Haitian refugees were repatriated by US Coast Guard.
US Embassy estimated that for every 1 returned, 1 drowned. (10 May 1987 St.
Petersburg Times)
- New Guinea Irian Jaya (1962 et seq.)
- Ploughshares 2000 cites ...
- Osborne, Indonesia's Secret War
- Hastings: 2,000-3,000
- Bonay: 30,000
- Reinhardt: 900
- InterPress Service: 43,000
- B&J
- Indonesian conquest of Irian from Netherlands (1962): 30,000
- Indonesia vs. Iria Jaya insurgency (1965- ): 10,000
- Chad (1965 et seq.):
- Civil War
- Eckhardt: 2,000 civ. + 5,000 mil. = 7,000 (1980-87)
- 10 Nov. 1985 Chicago Tribune: 20,000
- SIPRI 1990: 28,000 (1965-89)
- B&J:
- 1st Chadian Civil War (1965-72): 3,500 incl. 50 French
- 2nd Chadian Civil War (1978-82): 9,000
- 3rd Chadian Civil War (1982- ): 25,000 incl. 2,000 Libyans + 9 Fr.
- TOTAL: 37,500
- 5 March 1991 AP: 10,000 (TD vs LY: 1987-89)
- Ploughshares 2000: 50,000 total; 6,000 in 1990s
- CDI: 50,000 to 100,000 (1965-97)
- The Historical Dictionary of Chad (Samuel Decalo (1997)) estimates
that 400,000 Chadians died of drought and civil strife over several decades, but
these are two very unrelated categories lumped together.
- Syria, Hama Massacre (1982)
- Eckhardt: 10,000 Conserv. Muslims massacred, 1982
- 11 June 2000 Houston Chronicle: 10,000 massacred in Hama, 1980s
- Bernard Lewis, The Crisis of Islam (2003): 10,000-25,000, citing
- SIPRI 1988: 15,000 k. in Syria (1976-87)
- 26 Jan. 1992 Washington Post: 25,000 killed by Hafez al-Assad
regime (1971-1992)
- Equatorial Guinea (1969-79): 50 000
- Francisco Macias Nguema regime:
- 28 July 1980 AP: 100,000
- Encarta: 50,000 (under "Equatorial Guinea") or 80,000
(under "Nguema")
- 24 July 1978 Washington Post: 50,000 (citing the Vatican
- 1984 World Almanac: 50,000
- 10 Oct. 1993 L.A. Times: >20,000
- Somalia (1969-90): 50 000
- Muhammad Siad Barre regime
- 15 Nov. 1999 US News & World Rpt: 50,000 Issaks killed
- 10 Sept. 1989 Washington Post: 5,000 Issaks murdered by army, May
1988 - March 1989
- Robert Hitchcock & Tara Twedt: 50-60,000 Isaaks k. during the 1980s,
esp. 1988-90 (in Century of Genocide, Samuel Totten, ed., (1997))
- 19 Feb. 1990 Washington Post: Africa Watch reports that the Somali
govt. was responsible for 50,000 deaths in past 19 months.
- Hargeisa massacre 1988
- 20 June 2000 Christian Science Monitor: 5,000-50,000. []
- US State Dept.: 100,000 k. []
- Rhodesia (1972-79)
- Gov't vs. Patriotic Front
- Dictionary of 20C World History: 30,000
- B&J: 30,000
- 7 March 1984 Washington Post: 20-30,000
- The article reports a mass grave site with up to 4,000 bodies buried by
Smith govt., cause unknown.
- P. Johnson: 20,000
- Our Times: 20,000
- S&S: 12,000
- Eckhardt: 12,000
- WPA3: 12,000
- Laos, Pathet Lao regime (1975- )
- Rummel:
- Democide in Laos: 130,000 (33% blamed on Laos; 67% blamed on
- Laotian war dead: 54,000
- TOTAL: 184,000 (1975-87)
- SIPRI 1989, civil war, 1977-90:
- military: 10,000
- civilian: 30,000
- TOTAL: 40,000
- Polish Press Agency, 3 Dec. 1998: 300,000 killed for political reasons,
acc2 dissident Laotian Council for Independence and Democracy.
- Argentina, Military Junta (1976-83)
30 000
- Skidmore: 10-20,000 disappeared
- Harff & Gurr: 9,000-30,000 leftists killed (1976-80)
- Encarta, also Gilbert: 2,300 deaths, 20-30,000 disappearances
- Grenville: 30,000 disappeared
- PBS New Hour (16 Oct. 1997): 30,000 disappearances ([]
citing Argentina Human Rights Information [])
- Sri Lanka (1983-2009)
- Government v. Tamil Eelam (estimates listed chronologically)
- Our Times (1995): 20,000
- Encarta (1995): 18,000
- B&J: 100,000 (1982-95)
- D. Smith (1997): 30,000
- SIPRI 1997: 35,000 (1983-96)
- Dict.Wars: 75,000 to 1998
- 29 April 1999 AP: 57,000 (1983-99)
- 23 May 1999 Denver Rocky Mtn News: 40,000
- 31 May 2000 Financial Times [London]: >60,000 (1983- )
- Ploughshares 2000: 60-100,000
- 24 Sept. 2002 The Age (Melbourne): >64,500, incl. 1500 suicide bombers
- 7 Feb. 2003 AP: nearly 65,000 in 19 years
- MEDIAN of the 5 latest: 64,500
- Iran (1979- )
- Islamic Republic
- 26 June 2000
The Nation, review of Abrahamian, Tortured Confessions
- In 1st 28 months, Revolutionary Tribunals executed 757
- In 6 months after June 1981 Mojahedin uporising, the Revolutionary
Tribunals executed 2,665 political prisoners. The executions totaled 7,943 by
June 1985
- Mass executions of 1988. "Former prisoners and opposition groups put
the death toll between 5,000 and 6,000. Amnesty International estimates the
total to be more than 2,500"
- 8,000 executed, 1979-80 (Timeframe, P.Johnson)
- 10,000 to 12,000 executed, 1984-88 (11 Dec. 1988, Toronto Star)
- SIPRI 1988: 6,000 to 20,000 executed dissidents, 1979-87
- Harff & Gurr: 10- 20,000 Mujahadeen, Kurds, Baha'is (1981-88)
- 28 Jan. 1983 Christian Science Monitor: 20,000 k. during "past
18 months"
- Bulloch & Morris, The Gulf War (1989): Autumn 1988, executions
following Mujahedin uprising:
- Mujah. claim 12,000 k, but this may include battle deaths in July.
- Amnesty Int.: at least 1,000
- authors: "true figure" closer to 5,000
- Ploughshares 2000: >10,000 k. in Mujahadeen conflict since 1979
- 21 June 1986 Washington Post cites the following
- Amnesty International estimates 6,108 executions or more.
- People's Mujaheddin of Iran accused regime of 50,000 executions
- Rummel estimates 56,000 democides of all kinds, 1979-87
- NOTE: Most of these numbers do not seem to overlap
with the death tolls from the conflicts with the
Kurds or Iraq.
- Sino-Vietnamese War (1979)
- WPA3: 20,000
- S&S:
- China: 13,000
- Vietnam: 8,000
- TOTAL: 21,000
- SIPRI 1988, Eckhardt
- military, 1979: 21,000
- civilian, 1979: 9,000
- additional, 1980-87: 1,000
- TOTAL: 31,000
- Michael Clodfelter, Vietnam in Military Statistics (1995)
- "inflated": China claimed that 30,000 Vietnamese were killed
- "preposterous": Vietnam claimed that 26,000 Chinese were killed
- "realistic": 20,000 killed on both sides
- B&J
- 1st Sino-VN War (1979-82): >50,000
- 2nd Sino-VN War (1984-87): 3,000
- Peru (1980-2000): 50 000
- Shining Path insurrection:
- CDI: 35,000 (1980-97)
- 23 May 1999 Denver Rocky Mtn News: 30,000
- Ploughshares 2000: 30,000
- SIPRI 1988: 28,000 (1981-96)
- War Annual 6: 27,000 (1980-93)
- Our Times: 25,000
- Skidmore: 22,000
- Peru's Truth and Reconciliation Commission []
- TOTAL: 40,000-60,000 dead or disappeared, incl...
- 7,000-8,000 disappeared, "the majority at the hands of the forces of
- Shining Path was responsible for killing about half the victims
- Chad (1982-90): 40 000
- Habré regime
- 21 May 1992 Toronto Star, AP: 40,000 died in detention or
executed, according to a government commission.
- Samuel Decalo, Historical Dictionary of Chad (1997): 40,000
- Dictionary of 20C World History: 40,000
- Kashmir & Jammu, Civil War (1989 et seq.)
- 23 May 1999 Denver Rocky Mtn News: 25,000
- Ploughshares 2000: 20-40,000, citing...
- US State Department, 2000
- Militants: 10,727
- Civilians: 8,000 k. by militants, 2,600 k. in crossfire
- Security personnel: 2,000
- [TOTAL: 23,327]
- Times of India, (6 January 2001)
- Militants: 12,336
- Civilians: 11,600
- Security personnel: 2,282
- TOTAL since 1990: 26,421
- BBC (2000): >34,000
- 3 July 2001 AP
- Acc2 Indian government: 30,000+
- Acc2 human rights activists and opposition leaders: 60-80,000 k, plus
2,500-3,000 Muslim men missing at hands of security forces.
- 4 Jan. 2001 Bloomberg: >34,000 milit. + civ.
- Nigeria (1990- )
- 4 July 1991 Financial Times (London):
- 69 executed after failed coup.
- 800 killed in Bauchi in fighting, Moslem/Chr. ("April", 1991)
- Dan Smith: 1,000 Ogonis killed in clashes with Andonis, 1993
- Ploughshares 2000: 3,000 total in religious conflict, incl. 2,000
in 2000.
- Religious riots in Kaduna, Feb. 2000: 2,000 k. (24 May 2000 AP)
- Religious riots in Kano, May 2004: 500-600 (mostly Xians) k. (13 May 2004
- Nigerian communal clashes: A govt. survey says that 53,787 killed 7 Sept.
2001-18 May 2004. (mostly Christian farmers vs. Muslim animal herders in the
central Plateau state) (7 Oct. 2004 BBC)
- Iraq, Shia rebellion in south (1991-92): 40
- War Annual 6: 40,000
- Ploughshares 2000 cites ...
- Rebel commanders: 50,000
- al-Hakim: 300,000
- 22 Feb. 1994 AP at Radwaniyeh prison camp
- November 1993: up to 2,000 political executions
- before September 1993: "hundreds"
- October 1992: 200 in a single day
- Tajikstan, Civil War (1992-96)
- SIPRI 1997: 20,000-50,000
- War Annual 8 (1997): 40,000
- 23 May 1999 Denver Rocky Mtn News: 40,000
- CDI: 50,000
- Ploughshares 2000: 50,000
- Russia (1994 et seq.)
- War in Chechnya, 1994-96
- 16 May 2001 AP: Russian soldiers: 3,826 kia + 1,906 mia in 21 mos.
- Amnesty International: 20-30,000 ("Russian Federation: Brief summary
of concerns about human rights violations in the Chechen Republic" (April
1996) []
- cited by Amnesty International: Russian Presidential Commission for Human
Rights: 27,000
- Global Security: "1,500 Russian troops and 25,000 civilians had died
by April 1995"
- SIPRI 1997: 10,000-40,000 (1994-96)
- War Annual 8 (1997): 40,000
- CDI: 50,000 (1994-96)
- Dictionary of 20C World History: 80,000
- Ploughshares 2000: 80-100,000
- 6 Dec. 1999 Time: 4,000 Russian soldiers + 100,000 Chechens,
- Renewed fighting, 1999
- 6 Dec. 1999 Time: 4,000
- Ploughshares 2000: >5,000
- 16 May 2001 AP: 3,096 Russian soldiers in 20 mos.
- Both Wars:
- 11 Nov. 2002 Time: 38,000 combatants + 200,000 civilians
- 11 Nov. 2002 Newsweek: 100,000 civilians
List of
Recurring Sources

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Last updated October 2010
Copyright © 1999-2010 Matthew White