3/3: Stood in line for three hours before spending about the
same amount of time touring the hangar and flight decks of CV-67, the USS John F. Kennedy, a 40 year old, 1052-foot, 82,000 ton Navy aircraft carrier which stopped in Boston as its last port of call before decommissioning. photos
2/19: Brunch at Pamela's on the Strip, then some spicy fun at Penzey's, and an early dinner at Mad Mex before hopping a plane back to Boston.
2/18: Had brunch with Inna, Monika, Greg, and Faye at the Square Cafe, and later dinner at India Garden, in addition to some quality time with Kuzia, Keesa, and Theo.
2/17: Flew out to Pittsburgh for a weekend with Inna, with snow on my heels. After a bit of a detour toward Erie, we had burgers at Max & Erma's.
2/17: My first project for my new employer was a requirements workshop in Boise Idaho for iQuestions.com, who successfully went live today.
2/16: Another anniversary: today marks five years since I joined LiveJournal. With over 500 posts in
ornoth and
ornoth_cycling, I'm pretty happy with the results.
2/14: It's hard to believe, but today–Valentine's Day–is the 25th anniversary of meeting my first love, Ailsa, who has been one of the most important and influential people in my life.
2/13: Went over to the Blue Room in Kendall Square with everyone from work for a team event.
2/7: Attended an interesting dharma talk at CIMC on socially engaged Buddhism by civil rights activist and Wesleyan professor of religion and social sciences Jan Willis.
2/6: Took my friend Janine out to dinner for her birthday at the Cheesecake Factory in the Prudential Mall.