more recent
9/27: Despite pouring rain, spent the weekend with my old friend Lothie, whom I hadn't seen in 15 years. Highlights included brunch at Trident, dinner at Montien, and surviving a gathering of susboids (ew) at Addis Red Sea.
9/18: Returned to the Ford Hall Forum in order to hear Thomas S. Blanton, Director of the National Security Archive, give an informative talk entitled "Secrecy in the United States: Priorities for the Next President".
9/15: Spent a beautiful enjoying a breezy summer day along the Esplanade with Inna, who was in town for just one day after a wedding in central Mass.
9/11: Went on down to Suffolk U. for a Ford Hall Forum talk by Wikipedia's self-aggrandizing "founder". No, Jimmy, running a wiki doesn't mean you invented Web 2.0. Good talk, tho.
9/9: Took a major flyer and began an eight-week course in Thai at Boston Center for Adult Ed, just for fun. "So-what-dee... My crap!"
9/7: Went down to the southeastern Mass coast to do the Narragansett Bay Wheelmen's Flattest Century in the East with my buddy Jay, despite Hurricane Hanna blowing through the evening before and leaving behind lots of debris-strewn roads. Despite some residual wind, it was a gorgeous day and a beautiful ride.
9/4: Went with a few coworkers back to the old 'hood for my first visit to the renovated Church nightclub—formerly the Linwood—for "Queen for a Day", a tribute show put on by Gunpowder Gelatine (an all-girl Queen cover band led by my colleague Allison) and Big Moves (a size-enabled dance troupe that includes her partner). Happy day!
9/1: Went out to Princeton and spent the afternoon on a 50-mile bike ride up to the summit of Mount Wachusett and back with coworker Jay. It was the first time I'd ridden the 2000-foot peak in five years, and it made for quite a workout.
8/29: Finally called in the big guns, bringing in a Senior Applied Animal Behaviorist from the Animal Rescue League of Boston to help me overcome the little guy's unstoppable desire to kill. Here's hoping her suggestions work...
8/24: Savory brunch at S&S with Daf and his friends Niki and Chelle.
7/15: Returned from a long bike ride to find myself on the cover of my condo's newsletter: Views From The Vendome. Attended a going-away party for one of the concierges, and got many comments on the article, which focused on my upcoming PMC ride.
7/14: Got up early to say farewell to the DargonZine crew. The flight home was full of mixed feelings, as I say goodbye to the Summits, fiction writing, and DargonZine, which was one of the most successful achievements of my life.
7/13: After Sunday morning's working sessions—much of which I was able to skip—we drove up to Astoria to see the Astoria Column, hiked out to the Cathedral Spruce, took a rough and enjoyable cruise on the mighty Columbia River on a working (i.e. stinking) fishing boat, and ate at the Wet Dog Cafe & Astoria Brewing Company.
7/12: Saturday's Summit activities included the usual working sessions, riding through town on rented four-person quadricycle surreys, a few rounds of perennial favorite Fluxx, dinner at logging station Camp 18, and a big poker game.
7/11: The Dargon Summit began in earnest, as we drove out to the seaside town of Seaside, then hung out at Cannon Beach, checked out Haystack Rock, and stayed up late playing Carcassonne.
7/10: Began the 2008 DargonZine Summit by flying across country to Portland Oregon, then having awesome Thai food at Cha Ba Thai.
7/4: Decided to stay with Sprint and picked up the new Samsung Instinct phone, which includes GPS routine, voice command, video recording, and selected television. It's nice finally being able to tweet and check mail from my phone.