Wives are listed under their married names, with the family name of the wife appearing second to last.  In this listing Gretje Harms Kruesmann, née Kleen, then appears as Gretje Harms Kleen Kruesmann.

   Information on naming practices among the ancestors can be found here.


   This website represents the results from:

    Information and stories saved and shared among many cousins;

    Research in the church records of Arle and Hage via LSD microfilms listed below;

    Research of the Ortssippenbücher (OSB) of the Arle and Hage churches;

    The published website:

    and the particular links there:

         Tjaden family from Menstede/Arle (tree 22)
         Tjaden/Kleen family from Arle (tree 23)

    The Family History Center of Orange Grove, Mississippi, through their able assistance, provided for access to the following
microfilms of the Arle Church Records, Hannover, Germany, 1827-1874:

          1237997 through 1237999; and

the microfilms of the Kirchenbuchduplikat, 1827-1874 (Evangelische Kirche Hage [Kr. Norden]):

          1187695 through 1187697.
