The Family Of: Frerich Tjaden Kleen
       Birth:      -   -1799  
       Marriage: 01-MAY-1844  West-Brande, Hannover, Prussia
       Death:    30-JUL-1846  West-Brande; a "wurfsmann" there
       Father:  Tjade Hinricks Kleen
       Mother:  Greetje Frerichs Kleen
       Other Marriage(s)
         Lisabeth Gerds Lottmann Kleen
           Married:              Ended:            
           Reason: death of Lisabeth Gerds Lottmann                  
         Greetje Harms Kleen Kruesmann
           Married: 01-MAY-1844  Ended: 30-JUL-1846
           Reason: death of Frerich                                  
       Greetje Kleen  [F]
         * Mother: Lisabeth Gerds Lottmann Kleen
         Birth: 22-JUN-1832  Menstede, Hannover, Prussia
       Stientje Kleen  [F]
         * Mother: Lisabeth Gerds Lottmann Kleen
         Birth: 05-JUL-1835  Brande, Hannover, Prussia
       Tjade Hinrichs Kleen  [M]
         * Mother: Greetje Harms Kleen Kruesmann
         Birth: 18-FEB-1845  West-Brande, Hannover, Prussia (1st child)
       Comments for: Frerich Tjaden Kleen
           Frerich, "of West-Brande", appears as a witness to the    
         baptism of the daughter, Trientje Hinrichs Kleen, of his    
         brother Hinrich Tjaden Kleen.                               
           The baptism record of his son Tjade Hinrichs notes that   
         there were other children through the previous marriage of  
         Frerich to Elisabeth Gerdes Lottmann.                       
           The death record of Frerich states that he was survived by
         three minor children, the two daughters being from his      
         previous marriage to Elisabeth Gerdes Lottmann.             
           Frerich's daughter appears as Greetje Frerichs Kleen, from
         West-Brande, in the birth record of Jann Jhnen Kruesmann,   
         son of Gretje Harms Kleen Kruesmann.  The relationship is   
         obscure.  She appears with the same description in the birth
         record also of her (probable) first cousin, Hinrich Tjaden  
         Kleen, son of the father by the same name.