Nila Cordero

Sex: Female
Race: Caucasian
Date of Birth: 12/5/75
Age: 21
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125#
Place of Birth: Birmingham, New York


21 years old, long blonde hair, blue eyes, modest build, slightly out of shape. Nila is definitely "crunchy." She dresses in earth tones, greens, browns. Her clothes are layered, typically wearing a couple shirts, long cotton skirts. And always Birkenstocks. Her hair is often loose, and sometimes braided.


Nila grew up in upstate New York. She was the child who always seemed to be bringing home a new pet to tend for. Birds, cats, dogs, even the neighbors pig for a few weeks when the pen they kept him in fell in. She did well in school, and spent a considerable amount of time in the mountains with her family. The politics she would later endorse were far from her mind. As she entered high school, she began to understand and learn about the ramifications of pollution, the mistreatment of animals, the fur trade. PETA and Greenpeace quickly earned stickers in her lockers and on her books. Their ideologies slowly seeped into her. On her sixteenth birthday, she announced that she was turning vegetarian.

After walking out of her drivers test.

Liberal ideas, particularly those dealing with the environment and women's rights, had a way of following Nila around like the lost puppies she cared for as a child. In college, she has marched on Washington. She has raided local pet stores. She initiated the recycling program for the undergraduate dorms.

In the spring of her sophomore year and the fall of her junior, Nila spent 10 months in Aix en Provence in the South of France. She went native. She stopped shaving. She stopped bathing regularly. She worked with the Green Party politically. She was a mover and shaker in the Women's Movement.

She came back to Ft. Collins last semester. She was fairly good friends with Allison Greeley and knows Thomas Morton fairly well, despite their differing worldviews.

Personality: Nila is a quiet fanatic. She's not the activist that will yell at you all day at protests, but the one that always seems to have 'the party line' for every occasion. An opportunity does not go by where she does not comment on bovine flatulence and their contribution to the pollution problem. "It takes ten pounds of grain to produce one pound of beef." -- "And wheat doesn't fart." It's always there. Her political agenda is visible in every statement. Every mode of dress, every function she attends. Her courses. She is charming and persuasive, if you can get past the smell of Patoulli oil.

Nila Cordero's GURPS character sheet, created with
Armin Sykes' GURPS Character Assistant version 1.11.

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Joel N. Fischoff