Thomas Morton

Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Date of Birth: 6/20/75
Age: 22
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 225#
Place of Birth: Lincoln, Nebraska


21 years old, short blonde hair, brown eyes, clean shaven, athletic build. Tom is a clean-cut all-American boy. He dresses in smart casual clothing, khaki shorts, button down shirts. Nike hiking boots.


Scouted by Colorado State for Division I football, Thomas was a linebacker turned state champion quarterback in High School. After two seasons with the Rams, he'd blown out both knees and his athletic scholarship. His mealticket to college was expired. "Undergraduate Studies" wasn't going to cut it anymore, so this charismatic Senior turned to Pre-Law, where -- with long hours of studying, lots of encouragement from his friends and a little luck -- he's been able to pull a fairly respectable GPA.

This encouragement has come mostly with the help of his girlfriend, Allison Greeley. Greeley's determined approach to her studies motivated Morton to continue an academic career when athletics had left him. They would study together in the library or sequester themselves up in the mountains on weekends to work through difficult coursework. Somewhat predictably, a romantic relationship emerged from this arrangement and they were known as one of The Couples around campus during the early part of his Senior year.

Up until Greeley disappeared.

Six months ago, Allison returned from labwork she'd been doing late on campus. Paranoid. "Thomas, we have to leave. Now. We have to go." She was hysterical, and barely making any sense. They fought about leaving. Eventually Allison left their apartment to return to the lab 'to get something that will prove to you what I'm talking about'.

She never came home.

Both campus and local police investigations discovered nothing. Greeley's car was missing, but so were her things. Morton admitted they'd quarreled before she had disappeared. The case was chalked up as a domestic dispute and abandoned. Thomas pursued the investigation as best he could, more recently finding some camaraderie in Willie Schumaker and Priscilla Grammercy, both of whom seem to have similar stories about friends or acquaintances.

He's come, tonight, to exchange notes, stories and derive a plan.


Thomas is a leader. Charismatic, good-looking, strong. He is the one people are drawn to look to for direction. He knows this, and usually carries his responsibilities well. The loss of Allison has affected him deeply. His confidence in himself is low, and he know this must not show. Not now. To mask this, he is often foolishly overconfident and impulsive. "Act or be labeled as weak." He is also jealously protective of Allison; a model of the jealous boyfriend.

Thomas Morton's GURPS character sheet, created with
Armin Sykes' GURPS Character Assistant version 1.11.

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Joel N. Fischoff