Gabriel Ray

Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Date of Birth: 2/14/70
Age: 26
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165#
Place of Birth: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Gabriel is of modest height and weight, brown eyes, short brown hair in a military cut. His clothes are neat, clean and otherwise unremarkable. He usually carries a canvas backpack which contains some rudimentary first aid gear. He wears small, round glasses.


Gabe's parents died when he was quite young. His father of a stroke at 40. Gabriel was 7. His mother died two years later of cancer. Gabriel was raised by his grandparents, and was something of a spoiled child. Both his grandparents and his parents were well off, allowing Gabe the luxury of not having to make anything of himself by himself. He squandered his primary and secondary education.

When Gabe graduated High School, his grades were not adequate enough for him to get into college. At least not anywhere where he'd like to go. "USC doesn't count." The local Army recruiters got ahold of him, and persuaded him to join up. His basic training at Fort Sam Houston in the middle of the summer was literally hell. He learned a lot about himself. About what it takes in order to overcome adversity, and he began thinking about what possibilities existed for him to help those who were unable to help themselves.

He did a terrifying tour in Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Storm. He has never spoken about it other than that he was there.

When he mustered out, the Army College Fund and some of his savings was able to get him into college without any financial burden. The difficulties were academic. But the Army and the desert had changed Gabe. He'd hardened in the sun. He graduated from Colorado State in three years, and is enjoying early admittance into the Medical School. He once attended some of Jawl Shaba's karate classes, but did not stick with it. He has remained in fairly close contact with Shaba, and he knows Priscilla Grammercy.

He will be a doctor.


Extremely empathetic, loyal and determined. Gabriel Ray is kind, considerate and almost always a friendly face. There's something not quite right about him, though. It's nearly impossible to pinpoint exactly what. He flinches at shadows, and there were rumors in the dorms before he moved into his own apartment, that he frequently awoke screaming in the middle of the night.

Gabriel Ray's GURPS Character Sheet, created by
Armin Sykes' GURPS Character Assistant version 1.11

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Joel N. Fischoff