Selected List of Publications, Writing, Reports, and Presentations



Paula D. Gordon, Ph.D.


o Leadership Behavior in Task-Oriented Work Groups - Some Problems and Potentials.  Master's Thesis in Public Administration, Graduate School of Public Affairs, University of California: Berkeley, California, 1969.

o Recommendations for the Future Agenda of the Governor of California's Interagency Council on Drug Abuse.  Monograph, 1969.

o Guide to Ideas on Drug Abuse Programs and Policies.  Compiler and primary contributor.  Distributed by the Educational Resources Information Center, U.S. Office of Education, 1970.  (Available at .)

o "Local and Community Approaches to the Drug Problem" and "Treatment and Rehabilitation." Two papers commission by the Task Force on Drugs of the White House Conference on Children and Youth, Washington, D.C., 1971.

o White Paper on the Drug Problem (Policy recommendations to the President). Contributor. Domestic Affairs Council Staff, The White House, 1971.

o “Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention,” J. Drug Education, 1(3), 1971. (Also posted at  

o “’Alternatives to Drugs’ as a Part of Comprehensive Efforts to Ameliorate the Drug Problem,” J. Drug Education, 1(3), 1972. (Also posted at  

o “The Promulgation of Promising Approaches to Prevention and Early Intervention,” Drug Forum, 2(3), 1972. (Also posted at

o “Drug Education and Training.” Joint contributor.  Strategy Paper for the Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention (SAODAP), Executive Office of the President, Washington, D.C., 1971.  SAODAP was the precursor to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).

o Presentation concerning approaches to dealing with the drug abuse problem and implications for Federal policy.  Presentation, Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, VA 1972.

o "Bosses Dealing with Employee Drug Use Will Find Book Helpful."  Review article, American Journal of Public Health, November 1972.

o " 'Alternatives to Drugs' as a Part of Comprehensive Efforts to Ameliorate the Drug Problem," J. Drug Education, 1(3), 1972. (Also posted at  

o "The Promulgation of Promising Approaches to Prevention and Early Intervention," Drug Forum, 2(3), 1972. (Also posted at

o “Toward the Resolution of the Controversy Surrounding the Effects and Social Health Implications of Marijuana Use,” J. Drug Education, 3(4), 1973. (Also posted at  

o Proceedings of the Alternatives to Drug Abuse Conferences (I and II) Contributor. Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 1972 and 1973.

o “The Role of Educators in Solving the Drug Abuse Problem” Key Note Address to the Drug Abuse Educators’ Meeting, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, June 4, 1973. Printed in the June 15, 1973 Congressional Record. (Also posted at  

o “The Drug Problem and Youth - The Need for School-Based Humanistic Approaches to Prevention and Early Intervention,” Drug Forum, 4(3), 1975. (Also posted at  

o How the Drug Problem Can Be Solved: A Prescriptive Analysis of Drug Abuse Prevention Efforts.  Unpublished manuscript, 1975.

o “Suggested Curriculum for a Master of Arts Degree in Drug Abuse Prevention,” Drug Forum, 4(4), 1975. (Also posted at

o Public Administration in the Public Interest: A Democratic Humanist Paradigm of Public Administration. (Doctoral Dissertation, American University, 1975).  Posted with retrospective comments September 2004 at .


o "Research Utilization Options for Consideration of the Research Applied to National Needs Program of the National Science Foundation," National Science Foundation, June 1976.


o "Ethics and the Public Service", presentation to the Bureau of Training of the U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1977.


o "Environmental Problems Related to Water Use of Interest to the Electric Power Research Institute." Study for the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA. April 1977.

o "Cigarette Smoke and Marihuana Smoke as Environmental Hazards and Infringements on the Civil Liberties of Those Subjected to Passive Inhalation."  Paper written while serving as an HEW Fellow, 1977. (Also posted at  

o "Coal-Related Pollution Problems Involving Trace Metal Contamination of Aquatic Systems and the Acidification of Precipitation - the Serious Threats Posed to the Environment and Public Health."  Paper completed while serving as an HEW Fellow, 1977.

o "The Crime Problem and the Rehabilitation of the Criminal Offender." Treatise written while serving as an HEW Fellow, 1977.


o "The Rehabilitation of the Handicapped - A Proposed Federal Role." Treatise written while serving as an HEW Fellow, 1977.


o Presentation on ethics and the public service.  Given to attendees of the Federal Executive Seminar Center, Oak Ridge, TN, 1977.


o "Public Administration in the Public Interest." Paper presented at the 1977 National Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Atlanta, GA, March 30, 1977.


o Lecture focusing on the classic case study in public administration: "The Blast in Centralia #5 - The Mine Disaster No One Stopped."  Guest lecturer at classes at Golden Gate University (Oakland, CA Campus) and John F. Kennedy University, Martinez, CA., 1978.


o "Map of the Range of Concerns Encompassed by 'Ethics and the Public Service'."  In An Anti-corruption Strategy for Local Governments, co-authors, T. Fletcher, P. D. Gordon, and S. Hentzell, pp. 46-55.  Palo Alto: Stanford Research International, 1978. (For abstract of report, see 


o An Anti-Corruption Strategy for Local Governments. Co-author.  Prepared by the Center for the Analysis of Public Services, Stanford Research Institute, International, for the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. and used as a basis for nationwide workshops for urban public officials, 1978. (For abstract see


o “Ethics and Government” and “Politics and Government.”  Panelist for two panel presentations, American Society for Public Administration, National Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 1978.


o “Synthesis of a New Theoretical Perspective on Carcinogenesis (and Anticarcinogenesis)”.  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia, Melbourne, 11/79 and at the 4th Asian Cancer Conference, Bombay, India, 12/79. (Abstract posted at


o “Assessment of Linkages Between Trace Elements and Carcinogenesis”.  Report to the Electric Power Research Institute, January 18, 1980.  (Also the basis for a presentation to Electric Power Research Institute contractors, May 1980.)


o "Research and Knowledge Diffusion and Application". (General topic) Series of

presentations for the staff and management of Informatics, Inc., Rockville, MD, 1981.


o “Suggested Background Sources and Materials for GAO Decision Paper and Study on Acid Rain” and “Suggestions Concerning the Scope and Nature of a Proposed GAO Study Concerned with Acid Rain”.  Papers commissioned by the Energy Division, General Accounting Office, U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C., 1981.


o “Technology Transfer and the National Science Foundation”. Paper prepared for the National Science Foundation Advisory Board Task Group on NSF and Technology Transfer, Washington, D.C., January 1981.


o “A Preliminary Assessment of Drought Conditions in the U.S. as of April 1981.”  Prepared at the request of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. April 1981.


o “Drought Mitigation Technical Information Capability - An Organization and Management Plan.” Prepared for the Office of Mitigation and Research of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, April 1981.


o “Report to Congress on the Proposed Science for Citizens’ Program." Contributor, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. 1981. (Also presented results of the analysis to the National Science Foundation Advisory Board, 1981.)

o “An Alternative Approach to Drug Abuse Prevention Evaluation.”  Professional paper for the National Institute of Drug Abuse, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, MD, July 1981. (Also posted at  

o “Approaches to Developing an Understanding of the U.S. Civil Defense Program”.  Issue Paper with a comparative scenario analysis of alternative options and a recommendation for an all-hazards approach.  The analysis was requested by and submitted to the Civil Defense Coordinating Council of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C., March 1982.


o Special Statistical Summary -- Deaths, Injuries, and Property Loss by Type of  Disaster, 1970 - 1980. (Multiple printings). Published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C., April 1982.


o “The National Significance and Relevance to Various Government Agencies and Other Groups for the First Conference on Radioprotectors and Anticarcinogens”.  Paper submitted under contract to the Center for Radiological Research, National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., September 1982.


o “State of the Art Overview of Health and Medical Aspects of Emergency Preparedness”.  Paper prepared for the Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, San Francisco, CA, December 1983.


o "A Knowledge Base Relevant to the Development of Guidance Concerned with the Coordination of Medical Services and Assistance in Emergencies."  Prepared for the Paper prepared for the Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, San Francisco, CA, December 1983.


o Manual for Local Level Emergency Management Coordinators - Health and Medical Aspects of Emergency Preparedness.  Working draft including A Typology of Emergencies - Implications for Health and Medical Care Emergencies. Prepared for the Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, San Francisco, CA, April 1984.


o “Ethics, Morality, and the Public Service.” Presentation, Guest Lecturer. Public Administration Class at the University of San Francisco, May 1991.


o “Values, Ethics, and the Public Service Sector”.  Five day workshop (instructor) Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, Virginia, July 29 - August 2, 1991.


o “Environmental Policy: Barriers to Federal and State Interactions”.  Panel presentations at “From Rio to the Capitols - State Strategies for Sustainable Development” Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, May 25 - 28, 1993.


o “Federal Mandate-Related Impediments to the Development of Academically Effective K - 12 Public Schools”. U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations report submitted to the U.S. Department of Education, September 30, 1993.


o Disasters and Community-Based Organizations and other background material prepared by Paula D. Gordon, initial Project Director and contributor, for The State and Territorial Guide to Substance Abuse Prevention in Declared Disasters - Implementation Guide. SAMHSA, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 1997. DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 97-3123.  See State and Territorial Guide Federal Disasters  This document has particular relevance to individual assistance programs that are needed in the aftermath of a disaster. 


o The State and Territorial Guide to Substance Abuse Prevention in Declared Disasters ~ Implementation Guide.  An author, SAMHSA, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 1997. DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 97-3123. .


o “Perspectives on Y2K”, Panelist, World Future Society Conference on Y2K, Washington, D.C., December 15, 1998.


o “Embedded Systems and Y2K”.  Panel Moderator and Commenter, World Future Society Conference on Y2K, Washington, D.C., December 15, 1998.


o “Defining and Addressing the Y2K Problem”.   Presentation to the New York Year 2000 Group, August 31, 1998.


o “Perspectives on Y2K”. Presentation at a Panel Program at the Washington Post Company, Washington, D.C., December 16, 1998.  (Broadcast live by C-SPAN).


o “What Organizations Can Do to Meet the Challenge of Y2K”. Workshop Instructor, International Quality & Productivity Center, Arlington, VA., March 17, 1999.


o “Y2K ~ Action Still Needed by the Federal Government”.  Presentation, Washington, D.C., March 24, 1999.


o “Y2K ~ Action Still Needed by the Federal Government”.  Press Briefing with Ed Yourdon, Washington, D.C., March 25, 1999.


o “Y2K - Basic Considerations for Contingency Planning”.  Presentation via satellite to twenty African nations, part of a day long program organized by the African Virtual University of the World Bank,  Washington, D.C., July 23, 1999.


o “Update on Y2K Efforts”.  Panelist, Annual Meeting of the World Future Society, Washington, D.C., July 31, 1999.


o Washington Journal Program Interview Concerning Y2K Challenges, C-SPAN, Washington, D.C., September 19, 1999.


o “Overview of the Threats and Challenges of Y2K”.   Presentation to the Field Staff of the United Nations Development Program, New York City, September 25, 1999.


o “Y2K ~ Actions Still Needed Nationally and Globally”.  Presentation to the New York Year 2000 Group, New York Marriott Hotel World Trade Center, New York City, October 26, 1999.


o “A Call to Action: The National and Global Implications of the Year 2000 Embedded Systems Crisis”, TickIT International (Quarterly Journal), III, 1998. 


o “A Call to Action: The National and Global Implications of the Year 2000 Embedded Systems Crisis”.  IS Audit & Control Journal (The Journal of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association), VI: 14 - 18, 1998.


o “A Call to Action: The National and Global Implications of the Year 2000 Embedded Systems Crisis”. White Paper posted in parts on the Worldwide Web at various websites between July 1998 and October 1999.  All parts of the White Paper are accessible by a link at


o “Y2K Expert Panel ~ Looking at the Transition”.  Panelist, Year 2000 National Symposium Series", New York Marriott World Trade Center, New York City, October 27, 1999.


o "It's Not Over 'Til It's Over and It Could Go On for Years:  Determining Y2K and Embedded Systems Priorities ~ The Need to Continue to Prevent and Minimize Impacts Now and Into the Future".  Moderator and panelist.  Washington, D.C., broadcast live by C-SPAN, November 23, 1999.


o “Assessing Y2K Efforts Nationally and Globally ~ What More Needs to Be Done?”  Panelist, Panel Presentation, Washington, D.C., December 16, 1999.


o “John Koskinen’s Responses to Questions from Paula Gordon Concerning National and Global Aspects of Y2K, March 22, 2000 (With Notes Added 4/4/2000)”.  Posted at or see link to “A Call to Action: The National and Global Implications of the Year 2000 Embedded Systems Crisis” at


o “Some Problems in Obtaining and Assessing Information Concerning Past and Ongoing Y2K Problems”.  Panel Presentation, Washington, D.C., April 12, 2000.


o "A New Paradigm of Public Administration".  Speaker, Leadership Conference, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., September 25, 2001.


o "Some Thoughts on Networking and Mentoring in Government and the Public Service". PA TIMES (a publication of the American Society for Public Administration), Vol. 24 Education Supplement, October 2001.  Also posted March 16, 2005 at or see link at


o "Strategic Planning and Y2K Technology Challenges: Lessons and Legacies for Homeland Security".  PA TIMES, Vol. 24, No. 11, November 2001.   Posted at or see link at .


o "Infrastructure Threats and Challenges: Before and After September 11, 2001".  PA TIMES, Vol. 24, Issue 12, December 2001. Reprinted as a commentary in the Journal of Homeland Security, April 16, 2002.  Also posted at or see link at .


o "Using E-Technology to Advance Homeland Security Efforts".  PA TIMES, Vol. 25, No. 1, January 2002.  Also posted at or see link at

o "International Relations and National Agendas After September 11, 2001".  PA TIMES, Vol. 25, Issue 2, February 2002.  Also posted at or see link at

o Panel Moderator and Commenter, "Geopolitical Aspects of Terrorism", Systems Approach to Terrorism Conference, Washington, DC, July 15, 2002


o "Education and Training Initiatives Needed to Address Threats and Challenges to Homeland Security", August 14, 2002.  Posted at or see link at Also posted on the website of the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism at 


o Presentation on "Knowledge Transfer", Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Conference, part of a longer term "Feasibility Study of a Terrorism Crisis Management Exercise," ACCESS Center, Arlington, Virginia.  Conference co-hosted by the Multi-Sector Crisis Response Management Consortium and the National Response Center, August 26, 2002

o "Public Administration in the Public Interest: Thoughts About Public Administration Post September 11, 2001".  Posted at or see Also posted at

o "Selected Homeland Security References and Resources," October 10, 2002.  January 2003 edition of Business Briefing: Exploration and Production, published by World Markets Research Centre.  Posted at or see link at . Also posted at

o "Assessing the Status of Homeland Security: Critical Infrastructure Protection", Presentation at the Lexington Institute Conference on Homeland Security, Pentagon City, Virginia, February 27, 2003.


o "Using Blackboard to Augment Class Meetings", Presentation to the Public Administration Online Education Workshop, American Society for Public Administration Conference 2003, Washington, D.C., March 14, 2003. Also posted at the website of the Australian Flexible Learning Community, August 19, 2003 through March 2005 and posted March 16, 2005 in a revised form at or see link at .


o "Questions and Thoughts: Re-invigorating Public Service," Panel Presentation: Session on Re-invigorating Public Service, American Society for Public Administration Conference 2003, Washington, D.C., March 16, 2003.


o "Improving Homeland Security Efforts: Emergency Management and Cascading Infrastructure Impacts", Panel Presentation: Session on Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Homeland Security and Disaster Management,  American Society for Public Administration Conference 2003, Washington, D.C., March 17, 2003.


o "Improving Homeland Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection and Continuity Efforts," March 25, 2003.  Posted at


o "Knowledge Transfer: Improving the Process." Poster presentation for the Association for Enterprise Integration (AFEI): Enterprise Integration EXPO 2003, September 23-25, 2003. Posted at or see .


o "Changing Organizational Culture: Unleashing Creative Energy." Poster presentation for the Association for Enterprise Integration (AFEI): Enterprise Integration EXPO 2003, September 23-25, 2003. Posted at or see link at


o "Recognizing and Addressing Problems of Scientific and Technological Complexity." Poster presentation for the Association for Enterprise Integration (AFEI): Enterprise Integration EXPO 2003, September 23-25, 2003. Posted at or see link at


o "The Ethics Map: A Map of the Range of Concerns Encompassed by 'Ethics and the Public Service'," December 2003.  Posted at or see link at


o "Improving Homeland Security - Continuing Challenges and Opportunities,"  transcript of  Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership (EIIP) Virtual Forum, Paula D. Gordon, guest speaker on March 24, 2004.  Posted at or see link at


o "The 9/11 Commission as an Incident Debriefing" May 18, 2004.  Posted at or see link at


o "The Convergence of Contingency Planning, Emergency Management, and Homeland Security", Global Assurance, July 2004.  Posted at; see .


o "Transforming and Leading Organizations into the 21st Century with Metamotivational Leadership,"  Presentation for a session on "Foresight at Federal Agencies" at the Annual Conference of the World Future Society, Washington, D.C., August 2, 2004.


o Public Administration in the Public Interest: A Democratic Humanist Paradigm of Public Administration. (Doctoral Dissertation, American University, 1975).  Posted with retrospective comments September 2004 at


o "Transforming and Leading Organizations," posted at  or see link at  Also published in Government Transformation, Winter 2004-05 issue.


o "The Ethics Map: An Interview with Paula Gordon," by Paula Gordon and James Heichelbech. Published in Ethics Today, Volume 7, Number 2, Winter 2004.  Also posted at or see link at .


o "A Common Goal for Contingency Planning and Management, Emergency Management, and Homeland Security: Building a Disaster Resilient Nation," article posted February 28, 2005 at or see (This article incorporates ideas presented in "The Convergence of Contingency Planning, Emergency Management, and Homeland Security," Global Assurance, July 2004 posted at


o "Capabilities and Skills Needed by Those in New Roles of Responsibility for Homeland Security at the State and Local Levels of Government."   Posted at or see link at Also published in the PA TIMES, Vol. 28, Issue 3, March 2005 (a publication of the American Society for Public Administration).  


o "Thoughts about Katrina: Responses to Two Questions about Hurricane Katrina and America's Resilience,"  December 1, 2006, or see link at

o "Critical Infrastructure: Before and After September 11, 2001 and Hurricane Katrina,"  presentation on March 7, 2006 at the Homeland Security Seminar: Critical Infrastructure Protection ~ Examining the Threat, U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Western Management Development Center, Aurora, Colorado,  March 6 - 10, 2006

o "Thoughts on Katrina and the Need for a Resilient Nation," presentation on March 7, 2006 at the Homeland Security Seminar: Critical Infrastructure Protection ~ Examining the Threat, U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Western Management Development Center, Aurora, Colorado,  March 6 - 10, 2006.

o "Hurricane Katrina: An Approach to Maximizing Lessons Learned," Presentation on March 8, 2006 at the Homeland Security Seminar: Critical Infrastructure Protection ~ Examining the Threat, U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Western Management Development Center, Aurora, Colorado,  March 6 - 10, 2006.


o "Comparative Scenario and Options Analysis:  Important Tools for Agents of Change Post 9/11 and Post Hurricane Katrina," Homeland Security Review, Vol. 1 No. 2 , 2006.  Also posted at or (A version of this article has also been published in Government Transformation, Summer 2005.)


o "The Ethics Map ~ A Values-Based Approach to Defining Ethics and Integrity in the Public Service," Paper Prepared for the Normative Foundations Group, Transatlantic Workshop on Ethics and Integrity, March 21 - 23, 2007, Adelphi, Maryland (Posted at


o "Hurricane Katrina and Post Hurricane Katrina Intergovernmental Challenges: Comparing and Contrasting Some Differing Perspectives on the Role of the Federal Government in Hurricane Katrina and in Potential Catastrophic Events in the Future," Presenter, June 13, 2007, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Executive Master of Science Program in Crisis and Emergency Management.


o "The State of Emergency Management and Homeland Security," PA TIMES, Vol. 30, Issue 8, August 2007. (The PA TIMES is a publication of the American Society for Public Administration.) The article is also posted at or


o "National Issues of Governmental Transparency and a National Alliance for Transparency in Governments," panelist at the Conference on Advancing Excellence and Public Trust in Government presented by The Center for Governmental Services of Auburn University in partnership with The National Endowment for The Public Trust and The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, National Press Club, Washington, D.C., September 17, 2007.


o "The State of Emergency Management and Homeland Security ~ The Need for a Common Sense of Direction," Keynote Presentation at the Indiana Emergency Management/Homeland Security Higher Education Advisory Board's Third Annual Emergency Management/Homeland Security Higher Education Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 10 - 11, 2007.


o "Transforming Organization Culture,"  Presenter, Chesapeake Bay Organization Development Network (CBODN), Conference Washington, DC, March 7, 2008.


o "Recommendations for Presidential Candidates for Improving the Nation's Homeland Security Efforts, " an interview for the public radio program "Homeland Security: Inside & Out" aired April 29, 2008. (Posted at


o "Integrating Homeland Security into Emergency Management Courses: Some Grounding Concepts and Some Suggested Materials and Approaches," FEMA Higher Education Conference, Emmitsburg, MD, June 5, 2008. (Posted at

o "Key Challenges for the Future of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Education," PA TIMES, Vol. 31, Issue 8, August 2008. (The PA TIMES is a publication of the American Society for Public Administration.) (Posted at

o “Dwight Waldo and the Renewal and Reorientation of Political, Administrative, and Organizational Theory and Practice,”  February 2, 2009.  (Publication pending.)

o “Pre- and Post-9/11 Perspectives:  Understanding and Teaching about Differences in Perspectives Affecting Governance and Public Administration Post-9/11” (Publication pending in two parts in Ethics Today, Volume 11 Number 1 and  2, Spring and Summer 2009)  (Posted at and


o “The Harm Caused to Individuals and Society by the Use of Marijuana,” April 22, 2009 (Posted at  


o “Some Conceptual Tools for Understanding and Addressing Catastrophic Challenges

 As Well As Other Lesser Emergencies,” June 15, 2009 (Posted at and .)


o "List of Selected Homeland Security References and Resources"  (Extensive List)  (Use link at or .)


o includes articles, reports, and publications by Paula D. Gordon on homeland security and related issues.  The contents of this website have been incorporated in the Homeland Security Digital Library at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA.


Paula D. Gordon, Ph.D.                                                                           E-mail:                                                                                             July 1, 2009

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