Working a Swim Meet

Swim Meets take a lot of energy, hard work, and being responsible.
Sure the swimmers already know that,
but we parents have to do our part too.

The only way these Swim Meets can happen, is when everyone pitches in to help when and where they can. That is why we only ask that you commit to working 1/2 of the scheduled Swim Meets.

Sometimes it might be hard, if not impossible, to get to a Swim Meet on a Tuesday/Thursday evening on time - especially after working a full hard day. But maybe you could arrange for someone to start for you, and then switch when you get there a little later.

Without enough volunteers, a Swim Meet can not be held successfully. Also, it does not make a good impression if our workers do not show up, or show up and then leave or disappear early. It is not fair to the other teams, nor the remaining parents of our own team who then have to fill in for the missing workers.

So - just how many volunteers does it take to put on a Swim Meet, and what are some of the needed positions ?

Some of these are needed prior to the Swim Meet, some are needed towards the beginning, some are needed throughout the entire meet, and then some are needed towards the end.

Everyone is a valuable team member, and their hard work is appreciated.
Here is a sample list and the number of volunteers needed...

  • Home Meets
  • Setup (Home) (2) - setup the lane markers, pennants, starting blocks, chairs, etc
  • Concessions (Home) (8) - setup the tables, food, beverages, grills, kitchen, - serve/collect, etc
  • Computer Scoring (Home) (2) - setup & print the event rosters, timing results sheets, & ribbon awards for the entire meet
  • Starter (Home) (1) - announce & start each event
  • Gate (Home) (1) - control the deck area, restrict food & glass being brought in
  • Announce/Flipper (Home) (1) - flip the event numbers
  • Take Down (Home) (2) - take down the lane markers, pennants, starting blocks, chairs, etc
  • .......................
  • Home & Away Meets
  • Bullpen (1) - make sure the swimmers know their event & get to the blocks on time
  • Awards/Ribbons (2) - attach computer printed award labels to ribbons, & place in swimmer's folders
  • Timers (3 needed per lane*) - time & score the events, write the timing sheets
  • Backup Timers (2) - backup those timing, & offer those people some break times
  • Runners (2) - collect the timer sheets & DQ cards
  • Officials (3) - watch for improper swim strokes & write DQ cards
The total number of volunteers that are actually needed for each & every Swim Meet at Steeple Run is about 32 people !!

For Swim Meets away, that number drops to half, or about 16 people!!

For Classic & City Swim Meets, we have to provide volunteers (plus a few extras) as if it was just another Swim Meet. Therefore, for Classic & City, we have to provide about 23 people!!

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This page was last updated on June 29, 2002 -