At 85 we know him best as Grandpa or the Hulk
Full of kindness, love, and care; we never saw him sulk.
Each every day he woke with joy and energy to share
Not rich with jewels, yet rich with life he had to enough to spare.
How to describe a man with such great spirit? I do not know.
One hand held out, one hand with God, to all a friend not foe.
With courage and faith both at his side he found a way through hell
Despite the nightmares and the pain, his story he did tell.
An angel is all I think of now, and even that is not enough
He spent his whole life helping people, much too good for us.
A miracle of a man, this Rafael---the strength, love, and faith
You amaze and astound me at times, and I shall keep you in my dearest safe.