Now you've done it!  You've come
to Ron Indech's homepage...

Mountain biking
Mountain biking near Kathmandu
So, you've been wondering what I've been up to lately... 

Well, since I left the corporate world (temporarily, at least), I have been spending my time traveling, riding my mountain bike, hanging out with friends, and working on my house. 

Recently I got back from a wonderful trip to Nepal.  Due to the requests from all of you who wanted to know more about this experience, I decided to update my website.  It's been a while since I did web design, so don't expect fancy animated gifs or complicated forms.  Just some great photos that I took with my digital camera. 

Obviously, I could do a lot more to make this site more interesting, informative, and aesthetically pleasing.  But, I wanted to get a basic site up and running as quickly as possible.  I do plan to update it over time, so check back again soon. 

And, let me know what you think - good, bad, or indifferent.

Send me email!


Click here to see pictures from my recent Nepal trip.



Coming soon!  A tour of my house.

1082 Noe Street
1082 Noe Street: originally the 
"Leonard" house

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Copyright ©2000 Ronald G. Indech. All rights reserved.