
Our Trask web site is dedicated to accurately recording and tracking the Trask surname.
The surnames on this page represent persons who married someone whose last or family name was Trask.

[Note; This is not a GedCom file, nor does one exist.]

Aakre Abel Aborn Abramson Adams Adamson Addison Adler Adrus Adsit Aiken Aimar Akima Alden Alderman Aldrich Alexander Allan Allen Alley Allred Ally Alward Amero Ames Anderson Andrews Annis Apitz Apo Archer Archibald Arndt Arneson Arnold Arnott Ashford Atkinson Austin Averill Babcock Babel Babson Bacon Badger Baier Bailey Baily Bain Baker Balch Baldwin Ball Ballou Bandle Bangs Barber Barclay Bardwell Barlow Barnes Barr Barrett Barrow Barry Bartlett Bartlott Bass Batchelder Batcheler Bates Batley Batter Battin Bausky Beadle Bean Beattie Beckford Beedy Belanger Bellamy Bement Benjamin Benney Benson Bent Berger Berkeihiser Bernard Berrier Berry Bethume Bevan Beveridge Bickford Bierman Billings Binning Bishoff Black Blackburn Blackman Blackstone Blair Blake Blanche Blegen Blevins Bliss Blodget Blomquest Bloomfield Blossom Blythe Boardman Bogden Bolter Bolton Bond Bonell Book Boomer Borg Borgabos Borneman Bosworth Botkos Boudreau Bound Bourque Bowen Bowering Bowers Bowley Boyce Boyd Boynton Brackenberry Bradford Bradley Bradstreet Bragg Brakefield Branch Brand Brannon Bray Break Breidenbach Brennan Brewer Brickey Brimigion Brinson Brisco Broadbelt Broberg Brockway Brook Brooks Brown Browne Bruce Brush Bryant Buchanan Buchannan Buchert Buck Bullerwell Bullock Bunker Burbank Burdick Burdin Burditt Burg Burgoyne Burnett Burnham Burres Burris Burton Burwell Butler Butman Butterfield Button Butts Byerly Byrne Cadwell Cahan Cain Callwell Cambell Cameron Campbell Cann CannonCaplinn Capron Card Carey Carlile Carlson Carolyn Carpenter Carr Carrill Carter Cartwright Carty Cary Cash Cass Cassidy Cassino Causey Chadbourne Chai Challen Chamberlain Chambers Chanerce Chappell Chase Cheever Cheney Chetwynd Chick Chillemi Choate Christensen Christian Churchill Chute Citti Claflin Clapp Clare Clark Clarke Clayton Cleaves Cleire Clement Clements Cleveland Cline Clonts Clothier Clough Coates Cochran Cockran Coffey Coffin Coffren Coil Colahan Colburn Cole Colegrove Coleman Coley Colgan Colleran Collier Collins Colton Comeaum Comisky Comstock Conant Condon Conger Conner Conroy Converse Cook Cooke Coolidge Coombs Cooney Corbett Corcoran Cornforth Corning Cortez Cotter Cotton Cottrell Coull Coulson Council Coupland Couture Coviello Cowan Cowles Cox Cozad Crafts Craig Craine Crane Cranston Crawford Cressey Crocker Crocket Crosby Cross Crossman Crouch Crouse Crowell Cue Cummer Cummings Cunningham Curry Curtis Curtis Cushman Cutler Cutter Daley Dalfino Dalton Dalzell Damon Dancy Daniels Danielson D'Antouno Danzer Davenport Davie Davies Davis Davy Dawson Day Dean Dearborn Deatherage Delaney Delano DeMyer Denney Dennis Denton Derby DeSimone Desmond Devereux Devine Devinney deViosca Devitt Dewey Dewey Dickerman Dickinson Dietrich Diman Dimock Dimond Dinham Dixon Doane Doanes Docksteddar Dodge Dolbier Dolloff Dolt Donnell Donovan Doolen Doran Dore Dorian Doty Doupe Dove Dowel Dowling Downs Dowse Doyle Dresser Drew Driscoll Drover Druck DuBois Ducharme Dudley Duffek Duke Duncan Dunham Dunklee Dunlap Dunlop Dupuis Durgin Durkee Dutton Dwight Earl Eaton Eddy Edge Edmunds Elborne Elderkin Eldridge Ellenwood Ellingwood Elliot Elliott Ellis Elwell Emerson Emery Emmons England Englebrecht Erickson Erskine Ervin Evans Everett Fagner Faiver Falt Fanning Farnam Farwell Fassnacht Fay Fazold Feagles Feener Felt Felton Ferguson Field Fields Fifield Filer Fisher Fisk Fitch Flegge Fletcher Flint Flood Florence Florian Floyd Fogg Foley Folleit Folsom Foote Ford Fordham Foreman Fort Foster Fowke Fox Frederice Fremouw French Freund Friason Friend Fromzdeck Frost Fry Frye Frymark Fuller Funston Furze Gadge Gage Gailis Gains Gale Gallagher Galloway Gally Gamble Gamburg Gardner Garland Garnham Garretson Garrison Gass Gates Gaudet Gavel Gebhart Gehring George Geraty Germaine Gibben Gibbs Gidney Gilbaugh Gilbert Godfrey Goding Godkin Godreau Goforth Goggin Goldthwaite Gonsalves Goodale Goodell Goodwin Gookin Goomber Gorder Gordon Gore Gore Goucher Goudey Gould Grage Graham Grant Granz Gray Greeley Green Greenleaf Griffith Griggs Grondin Grose Grover Groves Grozier Gruse Grush Guest Guilder Guinn Guiou Guptill Guthrie Guyer Gyles Hackett Halbert Hale Haley Hall Halland Hamacher Hamilton Hamlin Hamm Hammett Hammock Hammond Hanifen Hanks Hannam Hanners Hansford Hanson Hanway Haram Harbath Harburn Harden Harding Hardwick Haring Harish Harlow Haroer Harrington Harris Harrison Harrop Hart Hartwell Harvey Haskell Haskins Hastings Hatfield Hathaway Haven Havens Hawley Hay Hayden Hayward Hazen Head Heal Heath Helgesen Helland Helmick Hemenway Hemeon Hemlow Hemrod Hendrikin Henricks Henson Herbert Herrick Herring Herrington Hersey Heryford Hiatt Hibard Hibbard Hiblen Hickey Hickock Hicks Higby Higginbotham Higgins Higgs High Highhouse Hilbert Hildreth Hill Hiller Hilton Himrod Hinchcliffe Hines Hinton Hitchcock Hoar Hobart Hobkirk Hodgdon Hodge Hodgin Hoechle Hoellein Hoff Hoff Hoffman Hofner Hogarth Holbrook Holcomb Holcomb Holden Holderman Holliday Hollinger Hollingsworth Holly Holman Holmes Holt Holyoke Hooper Hopkins Hopper Horn Horne Horner Horton Hosford Hough Houlton Hovey Howard Howe Howell Howes Hubbard Huddlestone Huddy Huffman Huggins Hughes Humble Hungerford Hunt Hunter Huntley Hurd Hurlburt Huse Hussey Hutchins Hutchinson Huxall Hyland Imm Ingersoll Irelan Isman Ivanovich Ives Jack Jacka Jackson Jacobs Jacquelin Jaite Jamerson James Jefferson Jeffery Jenkins Jennings Jerrit Jewell Jewett Jinkerson Jochim Johansen Johns Johnson Jones Joplin Joslyn Joyce Judd Judson Julian Julien Ka'aua Kaiser Kaolaniali'i Kapulo'u Karsseroom Kauffman Keating Keen Kehoe Keily Keister Keith Kellachowa Kellestine Kelley Kelling Kellogg Kelly Kempton Kendrick Kenfield Kennedy Kenny Kerndt Kerr Kidd Kiefer Killam Kilmer Kimball King Kinmouth Kinnear Kinsman Kipola Kirk Kirsop Kisro Kittredge Kleeman Klein Knapp Knecht Knight Knott Knowles Knowlton Knox Koenigs Kohler KooKooKauwila Kopchak Kossman Koteng Kovac Krause Kritel Krug Krupa Kua'ole Kuecker Kuehne Kufahl Ladd Lake Lambert Lamping Lancaster Lane Langan Lanier Lape LaPointe Larimore Larkin Larrabee Larrimore Larson Lasley Laurent Law Lawrence Leach Leavitt Lebo Lee Leejenaar Leeman Leighton Leitch Leland Lent Leonard LePrey Lessor Lestner Letzig Lewis Libby Light Lightfoot Linden Lindsay Lineberger Lintner Lithchfield Lockhart Lodge Loftman Longley Loomes Loomis Loud Lovering Loverit Lovett Low Lowell Lubbert Luce Luce Lufkin Lund Lundeen Lyford Lyman Lynch Lynds Lyon Lyons Ma'alea MacConnell MacDonald MacDougall MacDowell MacFarland MacIntosh MacKay MacLean MacNeill MaCrady Madigan Madill Magarvey Magoon Mailman Maltby Manchester Mange Mangold Manion Manley Mann Marble Marcure Marlowe Marquand Marsalis Marsh Marshall Marsland Marsters Marston Marstone Martin Mason Mason Massey Masury Mather Matheson Matulevicz Maus Maxwell May Maya Mayo McAlister McAllister McAlpine McAmbley McCarthy McCormick McCue McDaniels McDonnel McDormand McEachern McEntee McFadden McFarlane McGee McGill McGlynn McGrath McHenry McIntire McIntosh McKee McKenna McKim McLaren McLean Mcleod McMahon McNeel McNerney McNichol McNulty McSweeny McVeigh Meacham Meakin Meehan Melanson Melvin Melvina Merfield Meriam Merrill Merritt Mescall Messenger Meyer Meyers Miars Michael Mielican Milburn Miles Millard Miller Milone Mincher Minot Miranda Misir Mistead Mitchell Moeka'uhaoe Moellering Montgomery Moody Moores Morehouse Morelock Morgan Morris Morrison Morse Morton Moss Moulton Mounce Mount Moutray Mowatt Mueller Muir Muise Mullarkey Mullen Mundel Munger Munroe Murdock Murphy Murray Murry Muse Myers Myrstad Nabby Nance Nation Naukana Neal Neal Nelson Neves Neville Newell Newhall Newton Nichols Nickerson Nickum Nightingale Nims Nitra Noble Noel Noren Norred Nourse Noyes Nunn Nutting Nydigger Nye O'Banion Oberg O'Connor Odell Odenheimer O'Farrell Ogilvie Oickle Okinaka O'Laughlin Olsen Olson O'Neal O'Neill Onuma Orcutt Ordung Orlando Orr Osborn Osburn Outhouse Overmeyer Owen Packard Packer Pagan Page Paige Palfrey Palmer Pappas Paris Park Parker Parkman Parmlee Parry Pascoe Patch Patten Patterson Paul Peabody Peacock Pearl Pearson Peaslee Peck Pendleton Penney Pennock Perdue Perkins Perry Peters Peterson Petrie Petske Pharis Phillips Phippen Phipps Pickens Pickett Pienaar Pierce Pinchbeck Pirrie Pitkin Pitman Plank Plummer Polchlopek Pollard Pomeroy Pool Pope Porter Poston Potter Powell Powers Prall Prankard Prater Prather Pratt Preble Prentice Prentiss Prescott Prewett Pride Proctor Proctor Prout Przbyla Pshore Pulsifer Pumphrey Purcell Putnam Pynchon Quaife Quaintance Queen Raihala Rains Ramburg Rand Randall Randle Ransom Rausch Rawson Ray Raymond Read Readel Redding Redfern Redmond Reed Reinhalt Rendell Rettger Reveley Reynolds Rhoades Rhoda Rhuel Rich Rich Richards Richardson Richmond Rideout Rider Riley Ring Ring Rippey Ritchie Ritter Rix Robbins Roberts Robinson Roderick Rodgers Rodney Rodrique Roeske Rogers Rohner Roix Romick Root Ropes Rosado Rose Roughton Roundey Rowland Rucinski Rundlett Runnells Russell Ruth Ryan Ryder Sabean Sabine Sadler Salloes Salter Sampson Sanborn Sanders Sandlin Sanford Sanger Sapega Sargent Saunders Sawtelle Sawyer Saxon Saxton Scanland Scheper Scheuermann Scheutle Schilter Schipps Schleichardt Schmidt Schnell Schoenherr Schruk Schwann Scott Scovil Sears Seaver Self Selig Severance Sewall Shaffer Shaftoe Shattock Shaw Shawyer Sheldon Shellhammer Shelman Sheppard Sherman Sherrick Sherwood Shillaber Shonio Shonyo Shorey Shoup Shouse Shryock Shumway Sibley Siddon Sidmore Sietman Siggins Silsbee Silsby Silver Simek Simmons Simonds Simons Simpson Sinclair Sites Siwak Skelton Slade Slate Slater Sleeper Slocomb Slough Slue Small Smith Snell Snelson Snow Soaper Soffa Solart Sollows Sonne Soper Sorenson South Southwick Spalding Spangle Spaulding Spier Spinney Spofford Sponseller Sprague Squires Stacy Stafford Stagg Staltz Stanton Staples Starkweather Starratt Steen Steere Stefaniak Steinway Stephans Sterns Stetson Steward Stewart Stickleman Stickley Stiffler Stiles Stimson Stinnard Stirks Stocking Stockwell Stoddard Stoewsand Stohr Stone Stout Strawn Streeter Strickland Strong Strout Stubbert Sturges Sturgess Such Sudlow Summers Summers Sussman Swann Sweasy Sweeney Sweeny Sweet Swift Swim Swinerton Swinimer Swinnerton Sylvester Symonds Symonds Taft Tamez Tarr Tarwater Tassin Taylor Tedford Tenney Terry Tetche Thayer Theriault Thibault Thibedeau Thibert Thing Thomas Thompson Thomure Thorndike Thurber Thurston Tibert Tidd Tidmore Tilden Tilley Tilly Tilton Tink Tinkham Tirril Titus Todd Todisco Tompkins Toogood Topping Tourtellott Towne Townsend Trafton Trask Traske Travis Trefly Tremble Tripp Trow Tuck Tufts Tupper Turnbridge Turnbull Turner Turzich Tuulikke Twiss Twombly Ulmer Underhill Underwood Unknown Unterburg Upham Usselman Valentine VanCott VanDeavender VandeWater VanDyke VanGorder VanOrsdall VanTassel Varnum Vaughan Vaughn Veinot Ventress Very Vickery Videto Vidito Vinton Voiles Vynke Wade Wadleigh Wadsworth Wagner Wakefield Walbridge Walkner Wallace Waller Walling Wallis Walls Walsh Walters Walton Ward Warner Warren Warsinske Waterman Waters Watkin Watkins Waugh Way Weatherford Weaver Webb Webber Weber Webster Weick Weir Weisenberger Wells Wernet Wescott West Wetmore Wharf Wharram Wheeler Whipple White Whitehead Whiticar Whiting Whitmore Whitney Whitridge Whittemore Wiggin Wilcox Wildman Wilfinger Wilkin Wilkins Wilkinson Willard Williams Williamson Willim Willis Wills Willson Wilsey Wilsnack Wilson Winn Winslow Winters Wise Witherell Withey Wolfe Wolff Wondergem Wood Woodberry Woodbury Woodcock Woodhouse Woodman Woodruff Woods Woody Wordsworth Worling Worrick Worthington Wozencraft Wright Wyatt Wyman Yager Yamashiro Yeaton Yopp York Young Youngblood Zahn Zechiel Zimmer
1574 names

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"The Trask Web Pages"

Most recent revision: by RWT on Friday, May 29, 2009

© 9-15-1995 by R.W. Trask

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