Olympic Project Rubric

  Your Task:

Present your team's findings to the International Olympic Search Committee. Each team will be assessed for its informative and persuasive presentations to the committee. Scoring will be divided as follows:

  Your Presentation:

---100 points - Each team member will orally present the part of the presentation on which they are the expert. Each person will be scored on speaking loudly and clearly, addressing the audience, keeping an appropriate pace, presenting the information and data accurately, and answering questions in an efficient manner. The points will be evenly divided by the total number of team members.

  Your Products:

Each product will be evaluated on its accuracy, completion, neatness and general appearance

Geography --- 14 points

Map of the physical geography (10)

Explanation of how the geographical factors and altitude affect your site's climate (4)

Climate --- 18 points for 2 graphs and your supporting explanation

Average monthly temperature graph (6)

Graph showing average monthly precipitation (6)

List of sporting events to be held with explanation of how the climate will support the events. (6)

Weather --- 14 points

Graph showing daily temperature and precipitation for the three week period (8)

Weather prediction (6)

Accommodations --- 14 points

AppleWorks Slide Show with two types of accommodations including 3 hotels and 3 Bed & Breakfasts and at least six slides.

Sit Information and Tourism --- 12 points

Travel itinerary including three "day trips" and a restaurant

Economy and Politics --- 10 points

Newspaper editorial

Transportation --- 10 points

Brochure describing the transportation, schedule, etc.

Food --- 8 points

Menu of specialty foods