The International Olympic Search Committee
Congratulations,,,Your team has been hired by our committee to determine the best site to hold the next Summer or Winter Olympic Games. Our panel of judges will assess your committee's site selection based on your ability to assure them of the suitability of the location based on climate, geography, politics, economics, history and lore of the area.Upon completion of your team's research you will be invited to present your findings to the International Olympic Search Committee. Using our scoring guides, each team will be assessed for its informative and persuasive presentations. Gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to the first, second and third place teams in both the summer and winter categories. Good Luck...
The following resources are provided to assist you in developing your team presentation. You may use any print resources available in the library, the reference area or your classroom. Click on each image below. There you will find the different tasks to be completed by each team. There are also several websites which will help you find the required information.
How do geographical features of the earth's surface affect your choice for climate?
Winter or summer, the month you choose to host the Olympics will be affected by climate. How do the features of the earth's surface affect your site's climate.
Weary travelers will need a place to rest. Are there enough hotels, motels or other lodgings to accommodate so many guests?
Why is this location worth consideration? Is it the history and culture, the architecture or just the natural beauty???What types of local attractions will be available for tourists to enjoy?
Does the economy and political environment of this location affect your selection?
Souvenirs, opening ceremonies, uniforms, logos and mascots all add to the excitement of festivities. What types of foods and restaurants are available for hungry travelers?? Folklore often reflects culture and values. How will people who attend the Olympics learn about the folklore of your country?
Thousands of visitors will converge on the city. How will these people be transported to the events and attractions?
What will the Olympic Village venues be like? It will be necessary to prepare for the spectators and the athletes. What are the capacity requirements for the stadiums and sports arenas?
Last Updated 3/26/2002