Gravity Unplugged

It's really nothing!

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Schriefer Unified Theory© SERIES



Since the time of  Isaac Newton, scientists have sought to find the force of gravity. They have measured an acceleration due to gravity. Still, they cannot find the force associated with the measured acceleration. Could it be that there is no such force as gravity; and, that the acceleration is caused by a heretofore unexplained natural universal phenomenon?

 The answer to this, and many other questions, lies in revolutionary discoveries by Howard Lawrence Schriefer in pursuit of a Unified Theory of the universe.


Newton's laws of motion are in general use for dynamics and kinematics when speeds are much less than the speed of light. Newton's laws have led to the belief that some as yet undiscovered force of gravity exists.

Einstein has established that energy associated with a mass is very great. This is probably true for all mass not at "absolute zero." Einstein's famous equation, E = mc2, is used to quantify the energy associated with a mass.

Considering "energy" emissions from masses, and applying Newton's laws of motion logically; or, accepted vector addition mathematically, one can show that the acceleration of masses toward each other, viz. gravitational attraction, is actually the mutual nullification of emissions of electromagnetism and matter from respective interacting masses.





For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Unilateral unbalanced electromagnetic and matter emission results in equal and opposite thrust. Mass accelerates opposite emission. A simple system illustrating this is the rocket  shown to the left.

emission (action) thrust (reaction)


emission (action)


Omnilateral balanced emission produces equilibrium. Therefore, a body at rest tends to remain at rest, such as the emitting sphere shown to the left.

equilibrium (reaction)


Two interacting omnilateral emissions result in stagnation of emissions between the masses, and parallel to the line connecting the mass centers. Additionally, a net emission occurs perpendicular to the line connecting the mass centers. See the diagram to the left.


emission (action) emission (action)
stagnation and evacuation between masses (reaction)



Opposing electromagnetic and matter emissions between the two masses cancel each other;  and, components of emissions perpendicular to the line of centers of the two masses evacuate the space between the two masses, thereby causing a void between the masses. The remaining emission components parallel to the line of centers of the masses are therefore unbalanced for each mass; and consequently, the two masses thrust toward each other.

Therefore, an intrinsic gravitational  force is not a property of mass. Such a force, acting through distances over "time"  would be the same as power (rate of work) of limitless magnitude. This would be equivalent to a perpetual motion machine and a violation of the conservation of "energy". In contrast, the process described above provides a simple explanation and a reason why a force of gravity has never been found!


net emissions (net action) net emissions (net action)
net thrust toward each other and emission from space  between     masses     (net reaction)


Ask the question, "What makes an object drop to the ground?" The most common answer is, "Gravity!" But then, ask the question, "Why does a helium-filled balloon rise?" The most common answers are, "It's lighter than air.", or more correctly, "It's less dense than its surroundings." Ask the first question again, "What makes an object drop to the ground?" The answer usually changes to. "It's denser than its surroundings."

Density is mass per unit volume, as pounds per cubic foot. The force of gravity is expressed two ways. First, according to Galileo, it is a function of the product of the interacting masses per the square of the distance between the centers of the interacting masses [ G ~ (M)(m)/r2 ] Second, the force of gravity, according to Newton, is the product of a mass and it's acceleration [ G = (m)(a) ] It's interesting that Galileo saw the force of gravity as dependent on the amount of mass and separation only, ignoring any involvement of acceleration [a = d/t2 as feet/second/second. Neither Galileo nor Newton included density in the concept of gravity. They did not address the distinctions which are apparent in the questioning and responses described above. Involving the concept of density, by including volume into the theory, we intuitively believe the following:

  1. If the volume is large enough, the object will rise (as dandelion seeds, blimps, corks in water)

  2. If the volume is small enough, the object will fall (as stones, blimps with big holes, corks in air)

  3. If the volume is just right, the object is suspended in its surroundings (as stones in sand, partly filled bottles in water)

Buoyancy, as discovered by Archimedes, adds more complexity to the concept of gravity as an inherent property of mass. No wonder scientists can't find the gravitational force!


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Gravity. It's really nothing!