Younguncle: Indian Editions

My first book, Younguncle Comes to Town, written for children from eight to eighty and up, came out in India in March 2004. It was published by Zubaan Books. Two great writers whose works have always inspired me, Ursula K. Le Guin and Molly Gloss, were kind enough to provide cover blurbs. The book was published by Viking in the U.S. in 2006. Here is a link to the American Edition of Younguncle Comes to Town.

The second book, Younguncle in the Himalayas, came out in India in 2005. It, along with its predecessor, was co-released by Zubaan and Penguin India. You can read more about them (and order them) from the Zubaan site here and . If you order the books from Zubaan, please also send an email to the folks there to ask for confirmation (the email address is on the Contact page). Also here is a review of the second book, which appeared in the Delhi edition of the national newspaper The Hindu. You can also see a picture of the cover.

Since then, Younguncle Comes to Town has appeared in Serbian (Kreativni Centar) and Younguncle in the Himalayas has been published in both Spanish (Siruela) and Serbian (Kreativni Centar).

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