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We invite you to share in the success of your local needlework shop.

You hear us say it a lot..."look for it at your local needlework shop."

We'll admit, it's become our mantra, of sorts. We're believers in supporting your local shop, because all too often we see shops close due to cut-rate competitors moving into their market area. We all need local shops and they need us, too.

We encourage you to find the products you need at your local needlework shop, or to find a shop on the Web and order from them if you have no shop nearby. They have (or can order) all the supplies you'll use in Too Sisters Designs, and they'll appreciate your patronage every bit as much as we do.

Because we try our best to support our local shops, and because we encourage you to do the same, we'd like to see our charts offered in shops all across the country. (Maybe even around the world, but we'll take this a small step at a time.) We're offering you a little freebie for your help in bringing our designs to the attention of shop owners everywhere. Here's what we have in mind:

Be the first person to get your local shop to place an order, and we'll give you one Too Sisters Designs chart for free. Your choice.

This is the way it works:

Visit your local shop and mention our designs to the shop owner. If you've bought some of our charts, perhaps you'd like to take them in and show them around a bit... Maybe you'd like to print out our order form, in case there's some interest. Don't think of it as a hard-sell, but rather a chance to let people know we're here, with designs they'll enjoy stitching. After all, it's more about fun than anything else.

If the shop owner is interested, have them write to us on their business letterhead, asking us for wholesale information.

Now, this is the important part: They absolutely have to mention your full name as a referral in their letter to us. Something simple like, "Mimi Atkinson gave me your name and address, and said I should write you for wholesale information." We'll be happy to send them the information they need to purchase our charts.

If they purchase six charts or more, we'll send you one Too Sisters Designs chart as a thank you -- your choice of design. As an added bonus for the shop, we'll even pay the shipping cost of their first order. And we'll send along a colorful announcement they can hang in the shop, letting everyone know they now carry Too Sisters Designs! Last but not least, we'll list the shop below so that everyone knows they're among those selling our charts.

Only one offer per shop, which is why the shop owner has to mention you by name and write us on shop stationery. And we have the right to change or discontinue this offer at any time. Our lawyer (you remember him...he's the rabid mongrel who defends our copyrights) told us we had to say that.


We're also happy to share the latest good news: Three shops are now carrying our charts. We couldn't be happier!

Look for our designs in these needlework stores:


A Yarn Shop

1458 Lincoln Avenue

Calistoga, CA 94515

(707) 942-5108


Needle in a Haystack

2262 Honolulu Avenue

Montrose, CA 91020

(818) 248-7686


Shaffer Woodworking

506 Simerly Creek Rd.

Hampton, TN 37658

(423) 725-4144


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All contents (text and images) ©Too Sisters Designs 1998-1999. All Rights Reserved
This website created and maintained by the Too Sisters, Carolyn & Tisha.

E-mail: TooSisters@aol.com