Fees charged to cash a check may vary among businesses. You may wish to compare these charges to those of other check cashers and financial institutions in considering the total cost of your transactions.
Complete fee schedule of Boston Checkcashers, Inc.
License No CC0018-CC0039
All Locations.
Table A |
40.00- 99.99 |
100.00-149.99 |
150.00-199.99 |
200.00-299.99 |
300.00-500.00 |
500.01-999.99 |
1000.00 and
Upward |
All checks except listed
below |
3.60% |
3.10% |
2.75% |
2.50% |
2.20% |
2.30% |
Table B Rates
Apply |
Table B |
.01-6000.00 |
6000.01-9000.00 |
9000.01 and
Upward |
3.5% |
4.00% |
5.00% |
Table C | |
5.00% |
Table D | |
10.00% |
Example: For a check of $100.00 on which
the fee charged is 3.10%, your total charge is $3.10 and the amount you
receive back is $96.90. |
There is a minimum check fee of $1.00. If a check fails into more than one category, the larger rate applies All money orders inquires should be directed to the Travelers Express Money Orders Company at 800-542-3590. Travelers Express charges a fee to investigate money orders. Check cashing fees apply to Travelers Express money orders returned for cashing. As such, buy your money orders carefully. Money order receipts must be returned when money order purchaser returns money orders for cashing. There is a minimum returned check fee of $20.00. |
Effective: August 1, 1998
Fee Version 7