My Japanese ex-roommate, Sumiko, gave me this recipe for Almond Jelly. She would make the delicately flavored gel, cut it up and serve with canned fruit.

(Source: Sumiko S.)
1 stick agar-agar
3 c water
1 c sugar
1/2 c evaporated milk
1/2 tsp almond extract
canned fruit with syrup
Boil water. Add agar and stir until dissolved. Stir in sugar. Through a strainer, pour into a flat container. Add evaporated milk, stirring constantly. When slightly cool mix in the almond extract. Refrigerate. When it is set, cut into diamond shapes, about 3/4" on all sides.
NOTE: Try looking for the agar-agar at Asian grocery stores or health food stores. If you can't find it, two envelopes of unflavored gelatin can be substituted. The depth of the liquid in the pan should be about 1/2-3/4" so a 9x13" pan might do it (I've forgotten!).
Updated: April 7, 1996
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