This is another Christmas Eve item, thought sometimes I make it during the year too. My mother and I are the only ones in the family who like it- more for us! I have seen similar recipes in books, for example John Thorne includes it in his book "Outlaw Cook" (Farrar Straus Giroux, NY, 1992), calling it Spaghetti Country-Style.

(Source: Mom)
Minced garlic
(olive) oil
1 can anchovy fillets in oil
Cooked spaghetti, about 4 servings
Sautee the garlic briefly in a bit of oil. Drain the anchovies and add to the skillet. Break them up as they cook, into a paste. Add a little water if necessary. Remove from heat and toss with well-drained spaghetti. This will not be a wet sauce, but you can add a bit of water or oil. Let sit a few minutes and serve with grated cheese (pecorino Romano).
Updated: April 7, 1996
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