A few years ago a new food trend developed - "white pizza" - which is pizza without tomato sauce. My mother's mother had made a type of sauceless pizza for years, telling me that the name translated into English from Italian as "the Fool's Pizza." As a kid I asked her why it was called that and she told me "because while the fool (husband) was at work, the wife ate all the sauce." Recently we were discussing my grandmother, who passed away a number of years ago, and I mentioned this story. My Aunt Katie informed me that I had received the sanitized translation. The real scoop was that while the husband was away at work, the wife fed the sauce to her boyfriend. Oh, that kind of fool! Well, it's a good pizza and I'm sure the fool, er, husband didn't even miss the sauce.

(Source: my Grandmother)
-- dough for one pizza
pepperoni, sliced into 1/2" disks
hard-boiled eggs, sliced
mozzarella, sliced

Prepare dough in pan. Disperse pepperoni and egg slices over the surface. Top with cheese slices. Bake at 400 deg until cheese is melted and a bit brown, and the bottom of the crust is lightly browned.

NOTE: I have yet to make pizza dough myself that is particularly good, so I buy bags of dough from an Italian bakery. I just can't match it in flavor or texture.

Updated: April 6, 1996
Comments or questions? Write to me at suemaster@interport.net... (NOTE: remove "master" from the address)

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