This is good and healthy bread- the sweet potatoes provide lots of beta-carotene. You will probably have to watch the liquid more closely on this one, as it's likely that the potatoes will vary in how moist they are. I like this bread sliced thickly, toasted, and served with butter and maple syrup.
(Source: Prodigy Food BB: Jean Denes NUKH96A)
3 c bread flour
4 tbsp rolled oats
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
2 pinches nutmeg
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp dark brown sugar
2 tsp yeast
3 tbsp non fat dry milk: optional
3 tbsp margarine or butter
3/4 c mashed sweet potatoes
1/2 - 3/4 c water
When your machine says it is time to add stuff or 5 or 10 minutes before second kneading is complete, add: 3 tbsp dark raisins and 1/3 c pecans.
Notes from Prodigy contributer: "I add a few more raisins than this and 1 tsp cinnamon. Bake on light or medium cycle (I use medium). I've been using 1 minute Quaker Oats and Canola margarine. I like Jewel yams best. (I happened to have light brown so I use it and use 3 tb -sugar). Original recipe from Ultimate Bread Machine Cookbook by Tom Lacalamita. Seems I always need a little more flour than this calls for so just add it to where it cleans the pan. Follow your ABM's directions for order of the ingredients."
Updated: April 6, 1996
Comments or questions? Write to me at suemaster@interport.net....
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