<surf update="03/16/01">

Other Things To See

Being a typical slacker, I spend a lot of time mindlessly surfing the web. Yeah, I think the web beats TV for entertainment, hands down. But I've also learned all sorts of "useful" information out there. Below are links to what I consider interesting places. I'm sure I've missed some good ones, so tell me about them.

  • Mindless fun: The Famous Exploding Whale. Here's what happens when the local highway department puts their heads together about a dead and rotting beached whale. High-speed connection makes for better viewing.
  • Baddabing, baddaboom: Jerry Capeci's Gang Land. Real stuff about organized crime. Check out the ads for mob lawyers sprinkled throughout the site. Makes you want to run out and buy a copy of "Mob Hits!"
  • Read it walking: Web2Doc Palm Document Converter. Just paste a web page address into this online application and a Palm-readable version of it is saved on your computer. Great for those web tomes that fry your eyes if you try reading them on a computer screen.

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