Cloning in Your Kitchen

No doubt by now you have the kitchen counter set up for Cold Fusion. Well, it's time to move that baby away, or at least out into the dining room. Yes, another space-intensive experiment, and so you're going to have to keep ordering out for pizza and Chinese.

Before you begin, you're going to need to make some decisions:

Decisions about that which you will clone:

Think carefully about these questions. It really is not practical to clone a dinosaur in your kitchen. Whatever you're going to be using to carry the infant dino-ette to term in, is likely to be bigger than your entire house.

Decisions about that in which you will incubate what you clone:

Decisions about how you plan to explain all this to the neighbors and to the meter reader man:

Now, you're ready to begin!!:

Plant cloning is easy, and is indeed socially acceptable. Just go out there and start propagating cuttings, and grafting branches on trees. If you graft branches onto your house, expect a visit from your Zoning Board or your local Vegi-Humane Society.

Virtual cloning requires some computer skills, and as very few people keep their computer in the kitchen, we will pass over this option in silence.

Mineral cloning is not yet possible. But you are free to experiment.

Let's go for the latest rage: Animal cloning. Since most of us don't have a friendly neighborhood sheep, we get the next best thing, genetically speaking. We get a sheepdog. (You can apply the instructions for cloning a sheepdog to any other animal you care to name, adjusting, of course, in matters of scale.)

Cloning a Sheepdog:

(We're going to assume that you are going to use an incubator this time out, rather than any of the other options above.)


Dolly's Cloning Emporium

Something like an accurate counter?? Not. Web-using entities have gotten lost at this page