Bowling Etiquette

1. Learn and abide by the rules of bowling.

2. Observe or stay behind the foul line at all times.

3. Be ready to bowl when it is your turn.

4. Let bowlers on the right go first. Stay out of their field of vision.

5. Leave the approach after your ball hits the pins.

6. Record your scores and those of the others truthfully and accurately.

7. Do not bother other bowlers as they prepare to roll.

8. Do not use body movements to distract other bowlers.

9. Keep food and drinks behind the settees.

10. Return the shoes and bowling balls to the storage area.

11. Use good language.

12. Control your emotions and temper. Stay calm and cool.

13. Try you best at all times for yourself and your teammates.

14. Be graceful in victory and defeat.

15. Respect teammates and opponents regardless of their bowling ability.

16. Notify team captain or league president when you will be absent.

17. Be courteous and mannerly to teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, parents, and center personnel.

