Well, the first half is in and the competition was tight. If you have checked the standings link, there is always a lot of changes in the standings. This means ALL the bowlers are doing a great job!! Keep up the good work and the second half should prove to be very exciting. Speaking not only for myself, the entire coaching staff is proud of all your achievements.
  Division 1
  1st Place: Team # 3 Fitty Fitty 2nd Place:  Team #9  3rd Place: Team #11
  Terry Smith Tiffany Krasley Jackie Rissmiller
  Kevin Lightcap Nicole Heckman Chelsea Sapirman
  Eric Rosenberger Jamie Lindsay Brett Knauss
  Kevin Rosenberger Christine Heckman  
  Division 2
  1st Place:  Team #2 2nd Place:  Team #6 3rd Place:  Team #1
  Rachel Amelio Andrew Hittinger Chris Stauffer
  Daniel Mankos William Filer Matt Bachman
  Andrew Ebner Taylor Bates Nicholas Marsteller
    Christopher Skelly
  Division 3
  1st Place:  Team #5 2nd Place:  Team #1 3rd Place:  Team # 4
  Zachary Witman Gregory Young Ryan Knauss
  Daniel Peiffer Kyle Cunningham Ian Marsteller
  Alex Witman Ryan Shukausky Alexandra Hunter
  Keep up the great bowling and the second half should prove to be more exciting than the first. Congratulations to all !!