Deanna knew she had to have that conversation and soon. Will was withdrawing. Every time he said anything he was carefully analyzing the implications. He was trying so hard he was getting on her nerves and the worst part was Deanna knew this was her fault. She wasn't doing either of them any good if she didn't force them to confront the hard issues they would have to resolve before she would let this relationship proceed any further. Hard lifestyle issues. God, I sound like a marriage counselor, she thought to herself. No sooner had she come to the conclusion that Will Riker poked his head in her office door. "Hi!" She had to laugh as he imitated the first time he had come to her office a few weeks ago. "Hi yourself. Come to talk again?" "Well, it worked out pretty well the first time, so I thought I'd come by." He entered and waited for the door to shut behind him. He made no offer to sit but stood in front of her. His eyes were merrily twinkling as if he had a surprise hidden behind him. "I thought I'd stop by in case you have something to tell me." "Well, I thought we might talk tonight. About our future." "Yes...," his smile broadened," well we could talk now." "Okay. Well, before we discuss marriage we need to come to an agreement about what we would do if you were promoted. Or if I were offered an assignment at Starfleet Medical." "Have you been offered a position at Starfleet Medical?" She shook her head, "No, but I think we should discuss these things. Make sure that getting married is what we both want." Deanna felt his mood shift from a playful teasing to anger, but she hadn't any idea what motivated the change. "I see." He swallowed hard and the muscles in his jaw clenched as he struggled to maintain his control as his words came out measured. "You want to discuss what we would do if our careers provided opportunities that would require us to be apart. Whether we would stay together. You want to know this before you decide to marry me." "Will?" He reached over and pulled up a chair, not offering to share the couch with her. "What's wrong? They are reasonable questions to ask. To consider." She had hurt him. She didn't understand how, but his anger was directed at her. Each statement only seemed to upset him more. "You want a damn contract, Deanna? Is that what you want? One that limits you to a year with the option to renew, like I was some damn housing assignment? I don't believe in them, and I won't sign one. Either you marry me with no time limit, or you don't. Which is it?" "I don't understand," Deanna decided to try again. "What's bothering you?" "I think that we need to be honest with each other," he bit his lip as he clutched his hands into fists. "If we are going to be together. That's what I want. For us to always be together." "Honesty would be required," she agreed. "And you have never lied to me." "No. Is that a question?" she asked. "No. But you can be dishonest by not telling someone something they should know. Don't you agree?" "Yes. Now tell me what brought up this talk of contracts. You know Betazoids don't recognize limited marriage contracts. Although in my mother's case it might not have been such a bad idea." He wasn't smiling. She didn't like his implication and the word games were making her edgy. Just what was he accusing her of? "I know Deanna," he stopped as if he expected her to admit something. She wasn't sure if he were talking about the Betazoid disapproval of limited Federation co-habitation contracts or if he were referring to something else. When she just stared at him in confusion he went on, "so you don't have to pretend with me. I mean, I'd have to be an idiot not to know, the whole ship is full of the news. I had four lieutenants come to me in one hour this morning about their condition." He waited. Deanna risked a gentle probe, but got nothing. His mind was like a steel trap - shut. "I don't know what you are talking about. Are people sick?" She felt his disbelief. "Beverly made a ship wide announcement this morning so many women were affected. Are you saying you haven't heard about..." He studied her for a moment and a wide smile broke out. "You don't know!" His relief was a balm after the heat of his anger. "Will Riker, I've been here seeing patients all day under Do Not Disturb conditions. I haven't been listening to ship gossip. Now what is this about?" He came over and taking both her hands in his, he pulled her to her feet obviously wanting her to come with him. "I love you, Deanna!" he declared before picking her up and twirling her around in a small circle then setting her gently on the ground as if she might break. Clutching her small hand in his larger one, he gave her a slight tug towards the door. "Come on." "Where are we going?" Deanna asked as she tried desperately to keep up with his changing emotions. It was bad enough she had been on an emotional roller coaster, his ability until today to remain unaffected by her ups and downs had been important in her keep her own stability, though she hadn't admitted it to him. He bent down and whispered as if sharing a secret intended for her alone, "To see Beverly." "Why?" He refused to tell her anything else as he guided her to the turbolift. Whatever the secret was he refused to spoil the surprise. Instead, he hit his combadge. "Riker to Doctor Crusher." A tired sounding voice answered, "Crusher here. What is it Will?" "Do you have time to see a couple of old friends?" He winked at her as he spoke towards the badge. Deanna couldn't help but react to his excitement, but she had no idea what this was all about. "You mean you and Deanna?" Beverly asked over the com channel. "Yes," Will answered, beaming like a proud father. Impulsively he kissed the top of Deanna's head. Beverly squeal of delight pierced the air. "Yes! Come right over. I'm in my office. I should have expected this, but we've been so busy. I never even thought about it. Oh, Deanna, I'm so happy." Deanna just looked at Will in confusion. "Stop," she ordered the turbolift computer. "You, Mister," she said to Will as she stepped forward crowding him into the corner of the lift, "are going to tell me right now what everyone knows that I don't know." To be continued... *** Please hit the back button to return to the Index.