V. I. M. U. G.





Welcome to the premier Macintosh User Group in the Pioneer Valley.
This year’s (2016) meeting dates are:

to be determined at a meeting at NOON on April 5th, the first Tuesday

at the picnic table to the south of the Armory Museum, enter through the main gate of the campus of

Springfield Technical Community College and go around to the parking space to the east of the Museum.

Please note the change in as we will not be meeting in the buildings of STCC for this meeting.
We used to meet every second Tuesday of the month
Springfield Technical Community College

( except in Julyand August when we go to MacWorld or gather informally)
(STCC Just off of State Street, area has an iron fence around it)

We usually met in Building 17, Putnam Hall, Room 114.
But we have not had access to this website and
for a year no one came to the meetings.  So we stopped for about 9 months.

We normally met at 6pm, but on nights there might be inclement weather
we will meet about an hour early and maybe close early.

This website will be redesigned by the end of 2016.

April meeting will determine what we do in May:
Normally we have closed down for the summer, but those that show up

on April 5th at Noon will tell of what they want to do.  If you can not come, please contact Charlie Knight at
(413) 732-7077 or email him at ceknight.spfd@gmail.com.


Below these lines this website is not being updated at this time.
Those are items from the past and the links might not work anymore.

This is the only page we are updating at this time.

See you April 5th, First Tuesday of the Month at NOON outside the Armory Museum
at the picnic table to the south of their main sign with the cannon balls on it.


We are using JavaScript, so if your browser asks about "active X" items, please say that you allow them for this website.

Holyoke Mall's location of the Apple Store.      the Holyoke Mall stores main website

apple ambassador guide   We will be updating bylaws this year, here is a sample of another groups bilaws:    Tallahassee apple users group bylaws

adobe acrobate reader image and linke to adobe to get this file

This website is being altered, please tell us if a link does not work.
This first page should give you all the information you need to get to our meetings.

We make every effort to update the Poster Page above,
however if that should not happen, the schedule
of our meetings Dates are above
and you can check the Posted Messages site at
http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/vimug1/ .

eXTReMe Tracker

Send VIMUG leadership
a message!

Join our Yahoo group message site at

Web Advisor: Richard Burns

Our Logo Design: The Late Rick Morin


Check the weather by clicking on this link before you drive down, if a storm is suggested.


about us | calendar | directions | news | officers | sharing


apple computers, keyboards, mice, helping hands, friendship, happieness, macintosh, ipod, iMac, MacMini