Message from Nobel Peace Prize recipient, pioneer cardiologist and founder of
the Ad Hoc Committee to Defend Health Care:

Dear Sandy,
I am filled with awe and admiration for the striking nurses.
I would like to make a contribution. To whom is the check to be made out and
where mailed?
Bernard Lown

To which the correct response is:

.Make checks payable to: MNA St. Vincent Hospital Bargaining Unit Strike Fund
.Mail payments to:
MNA Strike Headquarters
29 Endicott Street
Worcester, MA 01610


Invitation from the United Nurses & Allied Professional in Rhode Island:

Hi Julie, Sandy & David,

I am writing to invite the St. Vincent's nurses, MNA members generally, and
each of you to join us in Rhode Island on Tuesday, May 9, from 4:30-6:00 pm
at the RI State House for a Rally for Safe Staffing & Quality Care.

As you probably know, our Union, the United Nurses & Allied Professionals,
has been waging a high-profile campaign here in Rhode Island about cutbacks
in hospital staffing levels and the impact on patient care. Our campaign is
intended to raise public awareness, build support for our legislation, and
create a favorable environment for our upcoming negotiations at several
hospitals (including RI Hospital). The response to our campaign -- in the
press, at the legislature, and among our members -- has exceeded our

Among the featured speakers for the rally are Rose Ann DeMoro (CNA), Barry
Adams, our RI Lieutenant Governor, a doc, a senior citizen advocate, a
congressional candidate, and UNAP leaders. We also plan to have songs, a
skit, and an all-around good time. We have arranged for a total of 13 buses
to come from several different facilities around the state, and we have been
working very hard to organize for a good turnout. We expect to have a good
showing and excellent media coverage.

We would be thrilled if you could join us, and we would like to extend the
opportunity for a leader of the St. Vincent's nurses to say a few words (3-5
minutes?) to the crowd. They will undoubtedly receive a VERY warm reception
(after all, they are taking the ultimate stand for the cause), and could
probably do some fundraising and/or other support work while they are here.

Please let me know asap if someone is interested/able to speak, so that I can
notify the press here.

In unity,

Rick Brooks


Message from the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (who've had recent strike

To Striking Nurses:

On behalf of the 8000 members of the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses, I
congratulate on the action you have taken to stand up for the health and
safety of nurses as well as the patients/clients entrusted to your care.

The courage your members have shown will inspire nurses across the country to
stand up for nursing and to take a stand against corporate for profit
inclusion in health care delivery. There will be changes in health care
delivery. Nursing must and will have a say in what those changes are and
what nursing's role in this delivery will be.

Keep up the good work and stay strong.

In solidarity,
Rosalee Longmoore


Message from the Florence Project:

The Florence Project has placed a link in support of the MNA striking nurses
on our front page with directing the reader to the MNA site for more info. We
also have it on our bulletin board system. If there is any other way we can
help, please do not hesitate to let us know. The FP President, Catherine
Snyder RN and myself shall be speaking at the "Just Healthcare" rally for the
Labor Party on May 6, in PA. I will be happy to mention support of the nurses
on strike. If you have literature for us to pass out, please feel free to
send it along.

In Unity


Christina Terranova RN, LNC

Chairman of Board
The Florence Project, Inc.

Editor, Publisher
~~~The HeartBeat of Healthcare Advocacy [tm]~~~
Christina's Big Apple Health Care Advocacy Website

"The most beautiful flower is the one that blooms in adversity"


Message from Teana Gillinson, staff nurse at Boston's Brigham & Women's

I was out in Worcester, walking around in the snow this afternoon, and picked
up some interesting information. Apparently, after the abbreviated
negotiation session last Friday, the St. Vincent nurses contacted the NLRB
and filed charges against management -- citing an unfair labor practice for
failing to negotiate in good faith. They have a hearing this Friday. Let's
keep our fingers crossed.

Also, they only have one cardiac surgeon left at the new hospital! Everyone
else has quit to go elsewhere. Apparently, there were also plans to bring in
some physicians from the Deaconess - but now that is on hold. So, it looks
like they're hurting for physicians!


Previous Worcester Strike Bulletins: