xBob's Home Page

What's in a name?  These are a few of my favorite Bobs:

Bob Dobbs Church of the Subgenius
Bob Vila
 I'm so glad he's home again
Bob Ross
 He's now sitting on a big happy cloud
Bobbing for Apples A Bob's favorite pasttime
Dead Bob
the comic strip

And my least favorite Bob:
Beezlebob Saget

There is still very little here. I have added some stories for those who may be interested.  Otherwise, let me suggest some other pages:

Someone asked me what my stories meant.... I told him that they are basically the ramblings of a displaced sperm-doner attempting to portray real life experiences with a user-friendly interface outlining the pros and cons of skeet shooting indoors. What do you think? I think he was an indoor lawn-dart kind of guy who was just attemping to analyze my dreams. He was actually pretty accurate. Check out his page and ask him if he knows the lambada...

Last modified 5/15/97

This pratically naked (but soon to be fully clothed. . . bigger and better than even Liz Taylor's wardrobe) home page is maintained by bob. Please send email to xbob@interport.net, if you're bored out of your skull.