one definition of Bob:

"Acronym for Battle of the Bulge. Officially known as the Ardennes Offensive. German WWII surprise counteroffensive through the rugged, forested Ardennes region of Belgium and Luxembourg in December, 1944."

Odds 'n' Sods 

Laika peek-a-boo
Laika was my wife's first dog. Like our other dog, Boston, he was a rescued Greyhound. Although he had a wonderful disposition, he never quite got the hang of living in a house, so we had to return him to the placement agency. Happy ending; they found a suitable home for him.

Awwww, it's a picture of the babies. Actually, I never called them "the babies"

I think they were four and two when this picture was taken.

I made a "Wanted" poster from this picture and put it on the refrigerator. It sought a reward for "Hallway Sneaker" Seneca, as well as "I'm Not Tired" Blake.

Guess you had to be there.

Seneca and Blake, the early years
homebrew beer label
A while ago, a friend got me interested in homebrewing beer. It's surprisingly easy to make a beer that has more taste than Coors. I found that I liked making big, dark beers like Porters and Stouts. I was also involved with target shooting (but not while drinking), and that provided the inspiration for my Straight Shooter Stout label. "As black as a bulls-eye with a 10-X taste"
I was driving down Rt 309 when I passed "Adult World". The changable sign under their store sign usually advertises DVDs for sale, or that sort of thing. I did a double take when I saw this one. Fortunately, I had my digital camera with me. Triple-X Action Figures? I guess they're very heavily... "muscled".
strange doesn't start to describe it

Our late cat Issy. She's a Cornish Rex, and at one time we had three cats, all Rexes. Yes, I know, she has huge ears. When our neighbor first saw her, she thought we had a pet rabbit. Or so she claims.

But their fur is as soft as a rabbit. Rexes are quite affectionate cats, and love to curl up on your lap and sleep. They also retain many playful kitten-like qualities long into adulthood. Some of them play fetch.
And you do get used to the way they look.

MP3 of my listener letter to NPR's "Here and Now"
A joke chart I made for Car Talk's Boss Button
My SPAM Haiku 4095 4097 4102
One of my letters to the Editor in Philly Inquirer

© Robert Bendesky 2006
All Rights Reserved


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Letter to PA 6th

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