Cozy's Biography
At age 10, Cozy Bendesky began her first quilt, a small crazy quilt, hand stitched and embellished with gold thread from Japan. She had the great fortune to be exposed to the beginning of the Quilts as Art movement in the early 1970’s. Publications like Fiberarts and tools like quilting needles and batik tjantings, on and off loom weaving and making dye from plants were regular components of her education; creative experiments in every fiber medium flourished in her home.
She earned a BA in Advertising from Penn State University while simultaneously studying needle arts she feared were in danger of disappearing with her generation, like lace making and heirloom garment construction. She traveled to Germany to learn to crochet lace, England to learn knitting, and France and Switzerland to view some of the oldest needlework available.
Cozy has focused her attention on contemporary fiber artwork since 1987, and has taught quilting, dyeing and garment design and embellishment classes since then. She brings a sense of humor and irreverence to her classrooms, and encourages a fearless approach to each students' innate creativity in all her lessons.
Her articles on quilting and textiles are published in the online magazine Virtual Threads. Her studio art quilts have been hung in VIP Fabric’s corporate offices, museums and quilt shows both in the US and Europe. She is a Fairfield Fashion Show designer. Her one of a kind wearable art is found in private collections, galleries and special exhibits at national and one-woman shows.
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Copyright © 1998 Robert & Cozy Bendesky.
All Rights Reserved. 09 Jun 1998