Home Subjects/E-mail AMS Sports Students For Teachers Guidance
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Mrs. Knoff [website] |
Bring your Heath books to class. In your Heath books, do the diagnostic
test on end marks and commas on p. 222. |
Mrs. Platt [website] |
Ms. Platt’s websites: http://mlplatt.homestead.com - 7th Grade |
Mr. Kipp-McGowan | None
Mr. Risdon | Section A, D, E, G: p. 251 Guided Practice #1-18 and measure 3 different
rooms in your house Section F: p. 251 Guided Practice #1-18, p. 252 #9-14 and measure 3 different rooms in your house |
Mr. Bacon | *
Ms. Choinski | http://schoinski.homestead.com/firstpage.html |
Ms. Cline |
Sheet 11 |
Mr. Vasile | *
Ms. Cambrola | The French-Speaking country project is due on November 19th. |
Mr. Delgado | Study weather and seasons. Quiz tomorrow.
Mr. Millet |
* - not available at time of update
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