Beliveau Family Homepage 2001

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Deborah's Artwork
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Libby's Art


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Welcome to our website!


Dear Friends and Family,

This year marks the 5th year since we moved from California to New York. It has been a remarkable five years with so many things happening.

The girls are now 16 and 14 years old.  Nicky is a junior in Walter Panas High School, and Libby is a freshman at our new local Putnam Valley High School.  They have gone from dolls and elementary school to cell phones and boys.

With this year we have had several events happen.  Some more pleasurable than others, but it has been a good year over all.

As some of you know, we put our fraudulent contractor behind bars and won our lawsuit against the bank.  This was a giant victory for us that was a long time in coming.  The bankfraud website is down and the horrors are only memories now.    

We were able to go on our first family vacation in over 5 years.  We went to Williamsburg Virginia for a 5 night package.  This included unlimited access to Colonial Williamsburg, Yorktown Victory Center, Jamestown Settlement, Busch Gardens, and Watertown USA.  It was so much fun.  It was fascinating to see how people lived in the revolutionary days long ago.   The amusement and water parks were fun too.   We would recommend the trip for anyone thinking about it, the history lesson was well worth it.  

Nickolett turned sweet 16 this year.  In October she decided to get a weekend job at our local crafts store as a cashier.  She is having fun earning her own money.  In her spare time she still enjoys singing and is active in her school drama club, Panas Players.  This year she appeared in "The Wizard of Oz", "My Fair Lady", and a couple of talent shows.  She also got to sing a solo in a duet number in the last play, "Walk Down Memory Lane", and is preparing to sing "All That Jazz" in this week’s talent show. 

To those parents out there who think their babies are growing to fast, be assured we are feeling that now.  Nicky took her written test and got her driver’s permit a couple of months ago.  It seems like only yesterday we were teaching her how to ride a bike without training wheels, and now she can drive a car.  She is also preparing for her SAT's and thinking about college. 

And now the dating!  She had her first date a couple of weeks ago. Even with the stress of growing up too fast, she is really turning out to be quite a very fine young lady.  We are very proud of her. 

Elizabeth is not too far behind her sister, but still enjoys being her Mommy's little girl.  She graduated the 8th grade this year and made it into the honors math and honors bio classes for 9th grade.  Sadly the school couldn't accommodate her for both classes, so she opted for honors bio since science is her favorite subject.  She still wants to be a veterinarian.  With someone who loves all creatures big and small the way she does and always has, it would be a crime for her not to be one. 

Libby participated in several school activities this year.  She attended every basketball and football game, cheering on her classmates.  She is very talented and gives 110% of herself in art.  Her teacher entered some of her work in a couple of art shows and she received numerous praises on her work.  She gets her artistic talents from her mother. 

Libby is also active in her high school drama club.  Although she has no desire to sing, dance and act, she participates behind the scenes. She helps back stage and ushers.  She is also quite the young lady and we are very proud of her. 

Both girls are doing very well in school and still making Honor Roll.  Some classes are harder than others but they are giving it their all.   

The girls had tickets to an O-Town concert on Libby's birthday, but it was cancelled due to this year's tragedy.   Their concert was rescheduled the following month and they had a great time.  We stood in line for over 12 hours and they got front row seats.  They had the chance to meet the guys in the band before the concert and when the video came out, they found themselves in the video in several shots.  It was very exciting for them.  They are still avid Hanson fans along with their mother, but O-Town was a big hit with them this year too.  

Chris stays active in swimming, biking, and jogging.  He was just in another swim meet this past weekend where he brought home several more medals.   He had his first triathlon in NY this summer, and plans to compete in the US Masters National meet in 2002.   Some of you may know of his accident with skiing the beginning of this year.  His hand was broken in three places, it did not heal properly so surgery was done to pin his wrist.  He still has some movement problems, but swims better than ever. 

With the bank problems over Chris has been working on the house all year.  We are converting the basement into a game and exercise room for the family. We will put in a pool table when it is done and enjoy the rest of the girl’s childhood with some family fun times.  On the outside of the house he is building a deck off the end of the porch and getting the back yard in shape. 

We have caught up with some old friends and made some new ones this year.  For all of you reading this, we are very grateful that you are in our lives and hope to remain in yours forever.


Have a very Happy Holiday, and may all your wishes and dreams come true.

Please keep in touch,


                                                                        All our Love in 2002,


                                                                        The Beliveau's

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