1) Make a directory called WC on your hard drive. 

2) Copy the file you ftp'ed (WCDEMO1.EXE or WCDEMO2.EXE) into that 

3) Go to the WC directory and extract the files by typing the filename. 
   This is a self-extracting file. When successful, the file will 
   expand all of the compressed files inside it. The file you downloaded 
   should contain the following files:

    INSTALL.BAT             batch file to install programs
    READ.ME                 installation instructions
    OVERVIEW.TXT            information file

    WCVIEW.EXE              version 7.23  - THE MAIN PROGRAM 
    REGWC.COM               graphics file
    REGWCV.COM              graphics file
    MODWC.COM               graphics file
    MODWCV.COM              graphics file
    WCHELP.HLP              help files read by WCVIEW
    REGUNITS.HLP            help files (units) read by WCVIEW

    H000A001.1              Demo                  (intelligence reports)
    H000A001.2                   one              (your outgoing orders)
    H000A001.3                       player       (your outgoing messages)
    H000A001.4                             game   (dead units)
    H000A001.5                                  turn  (your memos)

    PKZ204G.EXE       (PKWARE, a self-extracting file) (WCDEMO1.EXE only)

4) WCVIEW requires that it has access to PKWARE, a popular compression 

   Use one of following two options:

       A) Put the compression utility (PKZ204G.EXE) in it's own 
          directory and add that path onto your PATH statement in your 
          autoexec.bat file. Don't forget to reboot your computer so that 
          the new path is active.

       B) Put the compression utility files, PKZIP.EXE and PKUNZIP.EXE 
          into the WC directory containing the various WC files.

   (If you don't have PKWARE, you can ftp the necessary file, 
    PKZ204G.EXE from our WWW Page (address below) or call directly to 
    the WORLD CONQUEST BBS (number below), and go to the INFO Directory.)

5. Type WCVIEW. The first time you access this program, it will make two
   sub-directories; one called TMP, one called WCPAK. Both of these 
   directories are used by WCVIEW and do not need to accessed by you. 
   WCVIEW does one other thing... It creates a file called: WCVCFG.DAT. 
   This file is all-important!! It contains your configuration information 
   AND your personal encryption key, allowing you to send and receive your 
   game turns through the internet. Our turn processor will use that 
   alpha-numeric sequence to "lock" and "unlock" your game files.

   When you receive your 1st turn back from us, we will enclose your
   personalized encryption key, and your account number. WCVIEW will
   automatically overwrite and update the WCVCFG.DAT file. I recommend 
   making a backup file.

        (Type: COPY WCVCFG.DAT *.BAK)

   If at anytime you need to update your personal information; address, 
   email address etc., WCVIEW will automatically enclose another copy of 
   the registration form found in WCVIEW so that we may update our files.

6) The main menu screen of WCVIEW will appear. Initially, you will have 
   two choices:
                a) play our 1 player DEMO game
                b) Registration information

   The registration information is needed in order to play WC! When you 
   save this information,  a file with an .EML extension will be created. 
6. Play the one player Demo game enclosed with the downloaded files. 
   You will start the game with several different combat units. Give them 
   their marching orders! Read the file to get the scoop on how 
   to get started. The object of this game is to capture the various 
   neutral, yet armed towns and cities to be found on the map.

7. When you are done with your 1st turn, send the .EML file(s) in the 
   body of a text message. Do not send the .EML file as an "attachment." 
   This file needs to be enclosed in the body of a text message!!! Any 
   other method will NOT work!


         *.EML are email'ed via the 'net in the body of a email message.
                      (DO NOT USE AN ATTACHMENT!!!!!!)

Please note that is our intention to mirror everything we send out to you 
by e-mail ONTO the WC-BBS! This will allow players to have a safety net 
in the event that e-mail is lost or garbled.	Our web page		Our email address for questions			Our email address for game turns
	510 245-1300 	Voice
	510 245-1201 	Fax
	510 245-1202 	BBS 1200-14.4 8N1

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Last edited on 2/8/96

The author, Bill Rapp, can be reached at: