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The Music

Lingua Franca is an a cappella world music quartet whose name stands for "music as the common tongue." Among its members, the quartet have visited 23 countries (as well as all provinces of Canada and virtually all 50 states) and speak over a dozen languages. Their powerful harmonies blend in a joyful and infectious celebration of music, the universal language.
Lingua Franca were recently featured in the Folk Song Society of Greater Boston's May 2000 production of "Bound For Glory: The Words and Music of Woody Guthrie." The quartet has performed at NEFFA, NOMAD, local festivals, senior centers, and anywhere else they receive the slightest encouragement to sing.

What the critics are saying ....
Pleasant and delightful!
That was bloody great!
A compelling sound.
That song made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up!
Every year at NOMAD, there's some lovely surprise—wonderful new songs—a treasure that I'll remember. This year, you are that surprise and treasure!

Sing Along ! .Audiences are encouraged to join in on choruses that make music a common tongue in any language. Travel with Lingua Franca to:
British Isles