
Cover Girl
Deborah Harry in a surprise performance as Debravation Domination
at the legendary Tuesday Nightclub Jackie 60 "Revenge of the Geisha"
at Mother, NYC October 5, 1999

* jackie 60 * mother * hottie bottie * fashions babes *Kisses

All Photographs by İTina Paul

Photo Montage and Logos by İArhlene Z. Ayalin

Words by İAdam Goldstone
DJ, music producer, and inveterate nightcrawler

İ 2000 All Rights Reserved

Copyright Notice: All photographs, drawings and video that appear in Fifi Studios
website are the property of Tina Paul and Arhlene Z. Ayalin. All photographs, drawings and
video are protected under United States and International copyright laws. The photographs,
drawings and video may not be reproduced, stored or manipulated without the written
permission of Fifi Studios İTina Paul 2000 and İArhlene Z. Ayalin 2000