Six weeks |
Eleven weeks |
Puppy Number One -- Update at 24 weeks:Photos of Puppy Number One will be updated as soon as possible. We were unable to photograph her with her littermates this time because she is currently "out on loan" to a friend's eight-year-old son. Jonathan loves dogs, and this puppy LOVES children of any age or size. So, when Jonathan asked very nicely if he could "borrow" her for a few weeks, we readily agreed. Jonathan shares his bed with the puppy, reads her bedtime stories, and brings her to visit his friends' houses after school. When last heard from, the puppy was "helping" Jonathan and a friend bake cookies. At almost six months, Puppy Number One is almost 15 inches at the shoulder -- still a big girl for her age. On the other hand, she's had a full set of adult teeth since the age of 21 weeks and does not seem to have much knuckle remaining. (The theory is that puppies "grow into" the knuckles on their front legs; when the knuckles are gone, the puppy is finished growing.) Her coat is also much more mature than those of her littermates. Her rear may be a bit better than it was a month earlier... or maybe not. As far as her conformation future, the jury's still out on this one... but we CAN say for sure that they don't come much sweeter in temperament! Photos coming very soon! |
Puppy Number One -- Update at 13 months:Puppy Number One is now co-owned with nine-year-old Jonathan Caplan; we'll get photos of her as soon as we can, but life with a nine-year-old kid is pretty busy! Aside from participating in all the fun "kid" activities with Jonathan, the two of them are also doing some "doggy" activities like handling class and a week of "Kids and Dogs Summer Camp." Jonathan wants to be ready for AKC junior handling competitions when he turns 10. Puppy Number One was "a lot of puppy;" now, not surprisingly, she's "a lot of bitch." She measures in but is very close to 16 inches. She is balanced and feminine, despite her size, but physically very immature. Her front is still excellent, and the rear seems to be improving but we don't think it will ever be wonderful. She's not going to be in the conformation ring anytime soon, but she's got plenty to keep her busy while we wait for her to grow up a bit more. |